Matt Walker| Sleeping with Science • August 2020 You know you need to get enough sleep, but the question remains: How much is enough? Sleep scientist Matt Walker tells us the recommended amount for adults and explains why it's necessary for your long-term health. ...
让我们先从咖啡因讲起。 咖啡因属于一类我们称为 “中枢神经兴奋剂” 的药物。 每个人都知道咖啡因 能使他们更加警觉, 00:00 第一是咖啡因的作用时间。 对一般的成年人来说, 咖啡因的 “半衰期”, 大约是五到六个小时。 这个的意思是, 大约五到六个小时后, 你摄入的咖啡因有一半 还在你的体内循环着。 ...
Einstein the Parrot Talks and Squawks Add a plotEric Sanderson Pictures New York Before the City Add a plotFreeman Dyson Says: Let's Look for Life in the Outer Solar System Add a plotJay Walker on the World's English Mania Add a plot...
(Recorded February 2008 in Monterey, California. Duration: 7:09.) Watch Jay Walker’s talk on, where you can download this TEDTalk, rate it, comment on it and find other […]Follow TED Twitter Instagram YouTube Subscribe to TED Blog by email Subscribe to the TED Talks Daily ...
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TED演讲稿TED_Talks__Jay_Walker_关于世界英语热 写人类文章的阅读可用教学内容.ppt TED英语演讲稿:二十几岁不可挥霍的光阴(附翻译) 英语演讲稿3分钟ted(共10篇) 让人类更聪明 让机器更智能 TED英语演讲稿:跟压力做朋友 TED网络资源在高中英语阅读课导入环节的运用与思考 TED英语演讲稿:6个月学会一门外语【PDF...
Ted Olson calls Virginia marriage ban flatly unconstitutional, Tim Cook calls on Congress to pass Enda, John Barrowman talks about his fansWe told you about Derrick Gordon becoming the first Ncaa Div I player to come out while playing, but while he received nothing but praise in the press, ...
TED talks can have a real impact on lives, laws and institutional practices. Take Susan Cain’s talk.The Power of Introvertsproperly throws down the gauntlet to our cultural bias towards the bold and outgoing. Her talk champions the value of introverts and calls for a rethink of how our ins... 下载时是1846个文件,分析以1846个文件的为数据源,写日记时已经是1850个文件了 下载到本地的最新的一个文件Published ↑ Event Title Duration URLFeb 2015 TEDxColumbus James A. White Sr.: The little problem I had renting a house 13:53
Speaker,Talks_list Wajahat Ali,['The case for having kids (TED2019)'] Trevor Aaronson,['How this FBI strategy is actually creating US-based terrorists (TED2015)'] Chris Abani,"['Telling stories from Africa (TEDGlobal 2007)', 'On humanity (TED2008)']" Hawa Abdi,['Mother and daughter ...