TED Talks are influential videos from expert speakers on education, business, science, tech and creativity, with subtitles in 100+ languages. Ideas free to stream and download.
Make language-learninga lifestyle change. Elisabeth Buffard, who in her 27 years of teaching Englishhas always seen consistency as what separates the most successful students fromthe rest. Find a language habit that you can follow even when you’r...
Make language learning a lifestyle change.让语言应用于生活。你越是邀请一门外语进入你的日常生活,你的大脑就越会认为它是有用的、值得关心的。俄语翻译Olga Dmitrochenkova说:“利用一切机会接触新语言”。用新语言给你家里的每一件物品贴上标签,阅读用这种语言写的儿童读物,观看带字幕的TED和TEDx演讲,或者...
One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way. 一种语言可以为人生开启一条走廊。俩种语言则会使这条人生走廊的沿途上处处开启大门。—— 弗兰克.史密斯 Ludwig Wittgenstein The limits...
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TED Talks How language shapes the way we think Also via TED site Go ahead, make up new words!
I came across this TED talk yesterday in which Chris Lonsdale, a psychologist from New Zealand talks about language learning. He believes that anybody can learn a language in six months if they follow the five principles and seven actions that he hasformulatedafter assessing all the research avai...
I came across this TED talk yesterday in which Chris Lonsdale, a psychologist from New Zealand talks about language learning. He believes that anybody can learn a language in six months if they follow the five principles and seven actions that he has formulated after assessing all ...
Tim Doner: Breaking the Language Barrier Tim Doner is a senior at the Dalton School in New York City who has studied over 20 languages. An inspiration to English learners everywhere, Tim’s talk reveals why language fascinates him, how learning a new language can change us forever and m...
I came across this TED talk yesterday in which Chris Lonsdale, a psychologist from New Zealand talks about language learning. He believes that anybody can learn a language in six months if they follow the five principles and seven actions that he hasformulatedafter assessing all the research avai...