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So trust your intuition that it's not you bringing paranoia to the workplace, that these kind of stereotypes and otherisms are rife and alive. 所以相信你的直觉,不是你把偏执带到工作场所,这种刻板印象和排外主义一直都会存在, I think that's the first...
So trust your intuition that it's not you bringing paranoia to the workplace, that these kind of stereotypes and otherisms are rife and alive. 所以相信你的直觉,不是你把偏执带到工作场所,这种刻板印象和排外主义一直都会存在, I think that's the first thing. 我认为这是首先要做的事。 And then...
While stale attempts to boost employee engagement can leave people feeling cynical, authentic ones can reinvigorate a sense of mission in the workplace.Alison Quirk, State Street’s Chief Human Resources Officer who also spoke at TED@StateStreet, lays it out this way: “We think about employee...
What makes for a great presentation — the kind that compels people’s attention and calls them to action? TED talks have certainly set a benchmark in recent years: HBR even asked Chris Anderson, the group’s founder, to offer lessons drawn from the three decades he’s run TED’s signatu...
they might look to thepatternsof their wins and losses, togleaneven more meaningful conclusions andinsights. The same process can and should be used in the workplace, and I don't think we need to watch video replays of our meetings to ...
In conclusion, the TED talks have been a valuable source of inspiration and guidance to introverts all around the world. They remind us that we are not alone, that each of us has a unique blend of strengths and weaknesses, and that we can learn to work with and not against our inherent...
In thisTED TalkChilean architectAlejandro Aravena, the founder ofELEMENTAL, speaks about some of the design challenges he has faced in Chile and his innovative approaches to solving them. Emphasizing the need for simplicity in design, Aravena talks about three of his projects: theQuinta Monroysocial...
They also were the first generation to tell us about work-life balance, and the first to really ask for that in the workplace. And then millennials -- you know, the everybody-gets-a-ribbon generation -- born between 1981 and 2000. Never knew a time where technology wasn't present in...