David Burkus: A simple way to inspire your team Using paychecks, perks and carefully worded mission statements plastered on posters, companies are on a never-ending quest to find what drives morale at work. An...
His clever yet brilliantly simple experiments uncover universal truths about human irrationality and increasing motivation. >Watch What makes us feel good about our work?* Dan Ariely What motivates us to work? Contrary to conventional wisdom, it isn’t just money. But it’s not exactly joy ...
TED Talks are influential videos from expert speakers on education, business, science, tech and creativity, with subtitles in 100+ languages. Ideas free to stream and download.
视频链接 08. 现代职场会消磨人的意志 Barry Schwartz(巴里•施瓦茨) 施瓦茨的演讲和平克的演讲类似,也反对将盈利作为工作的首要动力。 施瓦茨是史瓦兹摩尔学院的心理学家...
Here are some of my favorites. For example, for the TED Talks about food, someone summed this up into:"Food shaping body, brains and environment," which I think is pretty good. Or happiness: "Striving toward happiness = moving toward ...
Inside Workleap 1M Workleap Fall Launch: Empowering HR Leaders with New Features for Employee Growth and Engagement Save your seat Inside Workleap 5M The future of employee experience: simplified, unified, and much more human Save your seat...
How motivation can fix public systems 14:08 The unpaid work that GDP ignores 17:21 What ocean microbes reveal about the changing climate 13:06 How the magic of kindness helped 11:02 A new type of medicine, custom-made with tiny proteins ...
Dan Pink(《驱动力》作者)【Bidding adieu to his last "real job" as Al Gore's speechwriter, Dan Pink went freelance to spark a right-brain revolution in the career marketplace.】他的TED talks有一个:①The puzzle of motivation他的观点是:对于那些相对依靠体力的劳动,增加劳动报酬会提高劳动效率。
我第一次看卜秋静的TED Talks演讲,就被她优美娴熟的英语,温柔亲近却充满自信的不同气场深深吸引住了。看着这位在舞台上面带微笑侃侃而谈的中国女性,很难不会想继续了解她在北美一路追梦的故事。在今天的女仕界访谈专栏里,我很高兴有机会向大家分享这位旅居纽约,在TED Talks打出一番天地的中国媒体人卜秋静的故事。
The valuable lesson from the lives of achievers is that they chip away at their mental blocks more consistently than others. Ten TED Talks underscore one simple thing – it’s all in the mind.