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Depression, schizophrenia, suicidal feelings—too often, these experiences stay private. These speakers who've struggled with mental illness boldly share their stories, in hopes that others don't feel so alone. Watch now Add to list29:07 Andrew Solomon Depression, the secret we share 29 minutes...
The friends you could go to in case of a serious setback, like you had a mental health illness, who could you go talk to? Twenty five years ago, people listed three friends. But now it’s different. Now we hav...
and it crumbles, and only then are you capable of being loved. I have a friend who said that when her daughter was born, she realized that she loved her more than evolution required. And I ve always loved that. Be...
A host of assorted psychologists and researchers have taken to the TED stage to offer advice, support, and fellowship to those struggling with their mental health. Now might be a great time to watch some of those talks. 1. Sophie Andrews: The best way to help is often just to l... 下载时是1846个文件,分析以1846个文件的为数据源,写日记时已经是1850个文件了 下载到本地的最新的一个文件Published ↑ Event Title Duration URLFeb 2015 TEDxColumbus James A. White Sr.: The little problem I had renting a house 13:53
Reading books, attending workshops, and listening to TED talks on mental health are excellent ways to expand our knowledge and promote awareness. 2. Practice self-care: Self-care is essential for mental well-being. Engaging in activities that bring us joy, practicing mindfulness and relaxation ...
we also have to know that we shouldn’t be afraid to ask for help ourselves,” Sudeikis told federal officials, per the Associated Press.“That does take a lot, especially when it’s something that has such a negative stigma to it, such as mental health. And it doesn...
TED Talks Won’t Treat Your Depression JESSE SINGAL 2021年6月11日 Maybe chicken soup can treat depression. 也许鸡汤可以治疗抑郁症。 That provocative claim was made not by a quack in a late-night infomercial but by John Bargh, a Yale social psychologist. He is an expert on “social primes...
TED Talks are influential videos from expert speakers on education, business, science, tech and creativity, with subtitles in 100+ languages. Ideas free to stream and download.