TED.com, home of TED Talks, is a global initiative about ideas worth spreading via TEDx, The Audacious Project, TED Books, TED Conferences, TED-Ed and more.
Sir Ken Robinson, an educator and creativity expert, talks about the importance of finding your "element," the place where your natural talent and your passion meet, in his TED Talk, "Do schools kill creativity?": "The question is not, 'Are you creative?' The question is, 'How are ...
So said Morgan Stanley exec Carla Harris at the2016 MAKERS Conference, and she follows that theme here in one of the best TED Talks for upwardly mobile workers in a corporate environment. In just a little over 13 minutes, Harris dispels the myth of the oft-touted “workplace meritocracy” ...
而第三种,让你成为独一无二的“你” 我称之为场景特定天性。 Let me explain. One of the things that characterizes extroverts is they need stimulation. And that stimulation can be achieved by finding things that are exciting: lou...
qualities in this man's behavior, but i'm not going to lunge for the a-word. but the extrovert says, "if he walks like one, if he talks like one, i call him one." and we go past each other. now is this somet...
But the extrovert says, "If he walks like one, if he talks like one, I call him one." And we go past each other. 但外向者会说,“如果他表现得像个混蛋,我就会称他混蛋。” 这就是我们的不同。 Now is this something that we should be heedful of? Of course. It's important that we...
今天的主讲人斯科特·丁斯莫尔,在离开了一份让人感觉度日如年的工作后,斯科特·丁斯莫尔用了四年时间思考怎样才能让人找到一份既快乐而又有意义的工作。 在这篇深入浅出的演讲中,他讲述了自己是如何寻找,又是如何开始一项重要事业的经过,并且和我们分享了他在这个过程中总结的宝贵经验。
TED演讲- 一个巴勒斯坦人和一个以色列人的坦诚对话 Maoz Inon: You know, Aziz, only four days ago, last Thursday, we buried the remains of my parents.毛兹·伊农:阿齐兹,你知道,就在四天前,也就是上周四,我们埋葬了我父母的遗体。My mom was burned so badly, she could not be identified.我...
the talk became one of the 10 most-viewed talksin the history of TED.And in that talk, I conveyed one simple scientific finding.The finding that when we study hundreds of peopleover their entire adult lives,the people who turn out to be the happiest and the healthiestare those who have ...
But the extrovert says, "If he walks like one, if he talks like one, I call him one." And we go past each other. 但外向者会说,“如果他表现得像个混蛋,我就会称他混蛋。” 这就是我们的不同。 Now is this something that we should be heedful of? Of course. It's important that we...