Number one, we'd rather talk. When I'm talking, I'm in control. I don't have to hear anything I'm not interested in. I'm the center of attention. I can bolster my own identity. But there's another reason: We get dist...
Unit 1-Part 4-TEDTalks 视频及听力原文5 ways to kill your dreams Introduction: Bel Pesce, an entrepreneur and writer, has worked at big companies including Microsoft, Google, and Deutsche Bank and has helped start several bu...
在美国国家地理学习开发的一系列TED Talks英语学习教材中,Perspectives系列将TED演讲者的想法、观点带入课堂,让学习者形成开放的心态,启发他们从不同的视角思考问题,鼓励他们用英语表达自己的观点。 Perspectives An Open Mind ▪ A Critical Eye ▪ A Clear Voice American English British English ▪ 培养综合语言...
All our talks today are themed around unity. The idea that when we come together, we are stronger. I would argue that it's not only about the things that we share in common as far as beliefs and things that we believe, but also the darker things that unite us. When I know what yo...
The language in TED Talks is natural and unabridged, providing examples of spoken English that are real and current. 人物:演讲者是鼓舞人心的思想者、行动者,给孩子带来激励 Inspiring thinkers and doers reach over one billion people through TED. Learners will relate to and engage with the exciting ...
所以我翻开了这本书《TED TALKS演讲的力量》 30分钟16格笔记速读+1小时思维导图梳理+部分内容精读=5分钟带你读完本书精华 下面,我用黄金思维圈(what, why, how)来一步一步拆解这本书,让你在5分钟内了解该书80%的内容。 一起来吧! 本书高清思维导图,在我的公号后台回复“演讲”即可获得,欢迎下载和交流。
#TEDtalks#【 胚胎发育技术:从鸡造恐龙】刚才@CellPress细胞出版社欣赏了海星胚胎发育,现在我们来围观胚胎发育的技术应用:电影#侏罗纪公园#科技顾问Jack Horner花了整个职业生涯重造恐龙,试图创造包括牙齿,尾巴,和爪子的“鸡恐龙”。侏罗纪穿梭机:O网页链接更多故事:@TEDtoChina ...
The language in TED Talks is natural and unabridged, providing examples of spoken English that are real and current. 人物:演讲者是鼓舞人心的思想者、行动者,给孩子带来激励 Inspiring thinkers and doers reach over one billion...
在NGL庞大的教材产品矩阵中,TED Talks项目系列在教学中融入了大量的演讲内容,该系列包括的教材有: Keynote 21stCentury Communication & 21stCentury Reading World English Perspectives 这个系列帮助学生: 培养21世纪核心素养,即审辨思维(Cr...
Ever since I was two, I went to see my first Broadway show, which was “The phantom of the opera”; claps for “The phantom of the opera.” I don’t know why I was obsessed with theater. I went to theater...