Learn about the ways climate change is deeply altering how we live, where we live and the foods we eat -- ultimately threatening some of our most basic human rights.
801,458 views| Changhua Wu | TED Countdown Summit • July 2023Read transcript Climate change doesn't care about ideological divides, says policy analyst and China expert Changhua Wu. Here's what she says the US can learn from the progress...
climate crisis that unshackles us from the cycles of doom and gloom that so often lead to inaction, 我们这一代,和更年轻的一代,需要从新角度看待气候危机,来把我们从导致不作为的悲观的循环中解脱出来, because we cannot play a part in maki...
Climate scientist at Columbia University’s Earth Institute and deputy chief at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Schmidt explains that a true understanding of climate change requires a ‘big picture’ approach. He adds, “The models are skillful, but what we do with the information ...
And the message was very clear: Climate change is for real, and we need to do something about it. And we need to do something about it right now. Well, swimming across the North Pole, it’s not an ordinary thing to do....
"TED Talks Daily" Climate change will displace millions. Here's how we prepare Colette Pichon Battle (Podcast Episode 2021) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
Al Roker issued a call to action on climate change in his TED Talk, urging others to support the younger generation in combating "the most existential threat to our survival."
She breaks down how to cultivate resilience to catastrophe in yourself and your community — and how to rally for change in the face of seemingly intractable problems. Watch now More from the TED Countdown library Discover over 140 Talks about climate change impacts and solutions.Browse all ...
【9】We have to learn new Greek letters every few months, and oh, yeah, there's climate change. 每几个月我们就得学新的希腊字母, 喔,对,还有气候变迁。 【10】But other than that, things are pretty peachy. 但,除此之外,一切都很好。
(这个雄心勃勃的计划是 Audacious 项目的一部分,该项目由 TED 倡议,旨在激励和资助全球变革。如果你想听到更多关于 Heller 的工作,请在演讲结束后继续收听“TED Talks”播客,在那里她会更深入地挖掘她的想法)。 *** 【1】It's an incredible honor to be here. 非常荣幸能够在...