whether it's to their smart phones or to shopping or to eating. Before these talks began -- you guys know this -- we were told we weren't allowed to
https://weibo.com/tv/v/Ij6mtjIyp 畅销书作家 Johann Hari 的本职是记者,同时曾长年遭受抑郁的折磨。为了弄清原因,他走遍世界各地,和专家以及战胜抑郁的人对谈,最终写下了一本极具洞见的关于抑郁的书《Lost Connections》。 在这个演讲中他说,「如果你感到抑郁或焦虑,你并不软弱,也不是疯了——你只是需求...
whether it's to their smart phones or to shopping or to eating. Before these talks began -- you guys know this -- we were told we weren't allowed to
刚刚正好在Ted听记者Johann Hari的演讲《所有你认为你知道的关于上瘾的问题都是错的》,大意是上瘾这个老问题是不是有更好的解法?会不会是一种人的深度孤独造成的对某物的捆绑(bonding)性依赖,其解法到底是传统的惩罚断交罪化瘾君子还是应该帮助他们重新联接到亲友群体和社会中?他举了葡萄牙一个领导人在处理这个问题...
在一个感人的、可操作的演讲中,记者约翰·哈里(Johann Hari)分享了来自世界各地专家对抑郁和焦虑成因的新见解,以及一些令人兴奋的新兴解决方案。哈里说:“如果你感到沮丧或焦虑,你并不软弱,也不疯狂——你是一个需求没有被满足的人。” relationships personal growth brain humanity illness depression ment...
【TED | 沉迷“垃圾快乐”,自律和自虐也救不了你】社会的趋势让我们能深度联系的人越来越少,待在自己空间里的时间越来越长,从可卡因到美食再到花花网络,现在令我们上瘾的东西越来越多了,大家也逐渐把这些“上瘾源”称为“垃圾快乐”。但是,我们怎样才能克服它呢?Johann Hari亲眼目睹了亲人们努力戒掉毒瘾的过程,...
演讲链接:https://www.ted.com/talks/johann_hari_this_could_be_why_you_re_depressed_or_anxious The Speaker:Johann Hari · Journalist (Johann Hari is the author of two "New York Times" best-selling books.) The Talk Title:This could be why you are depressed or anxious ...
Read about what Johann is working on now. Johann Hari’s TED talks 14:42 Johann Hari Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong Posted Jul 2015 20:31 Johann Hari This could be why you're depressed or anxious Posted Sep 2019 More news and ideas from Johann Hari ...
第PAGE 1 页共 8 页【演讲者】Johann Hari 纽约时代畅销书作者【演讲主题】引发抑郁和焦虑的原因是什么? For a really long time, I had two mysteries that were hanging over me. I didnt understand them and, to be honest, I was quite afraid to look into them. The first mystery was, Im 40 ...
As it turns out, there are so many different factors that can influence us towards or away from dishonesty -- and in many cases, whether we cheat or not is heavily determined by our environment and external situation. Honestly, this is one of the most interesting TED Talks I've ever watc...