Imagine for a moment a world in which every child learns to listen at an early age.想象一下,在一个所有孩子都在早期学会如何聆听的世界。What if we taught listening in school, like we teach reading, as a core skill?如果我们在学校里教授聆听,就像教授阅读那样,作为一个核心技能,世界会怎样呢?
They make good societies.And that's what this world needs.I think that it's totally crazy that all anyone ever talks about is games, TV shows, WhatsApp, Instagram, Bitmoji - I don't even know what that is;...
So I started reading books in pairs. So they can be about people -- ["Benjamin Franklin" by Walter Isaacson]["John Adams" by David McCullough] -- who are involved in the same event, or friends with shared experience...
finding mentors, reading. I read a book a day. I have a little book club, I write. And wh...
About the speaker Ann Morgan Writer, blogger, author See speaker profile Ann Morgan challenged herself to read a book from every country in the world. Learn more Your guide to reading the world Author Ann Morgan invites book lovers to follow her on a literary journey through 19...
Continue reading Art Get to know Tinkering School through a webcomic February 19, 2009 Two years ago, software engineer and tinkerer Gever Tulley told us five dangerous things you should let your kids do. He returned in 2009 to give us an update about Tinkering School, his part-lab-part-su...
Inflection: The talks of TED Salon, presented in partnership with Novo Nordisk ByBrian Greene,Maria Ladias,Oliver FriedmanandRenae Reints onDec 2, 2024 We’ve reached a pivot point in the global conversation about our bodies. In an evening of talks, four speakers delved into how science and...
Students enter these programs speaking one language and they come out of these programs speaking, listening, reading, 单语学生接受这类教学后,就可以使用两门语言, and writing in two languages proficiently. 进行流利的听说读写。 Dual language programs work and we could implement them around the countr...
Students enter these programs speaking one language and they come out of these programs speaking, listening, reading, 单语学生接受这类教学后,就可以使用两门语言, and writing in two languages proficiently. 进行流利的听说读写。 Dual language programs work and we could implement them around the countr...
If possible, don't read your talk.Notes are fine. But if the choice is between reading or ...