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With his membership platform Patreon, YouTube star Jack Conte may have solved a perennial problem of content creators -- getting paid for digital media.
Rock The Small Talk: 3 Fun Ways To Pick Up Cool Conversation Starters YouTube Everyone's got something to say about the weather. But if you want to engage people in a conversation for more than a few seconds, you need to follow up with something more interesting. ...
十年前接触TED,06-07年左右吧,那个时候Youtube还能上,偶然看到Hans Rosling的演讲(他做过十次TED大会演讲,TED官网第一批公开放出来的6个演讲之一)觉得好棒,然后开始通过TEDtoChina来组织翻译、博客内容众包、策划和参加一些TEDx活动,早期一两千个视频上在上下班路都有看过,现在TEDx活动和TED剧场版等一些衍生内容更多了...
So let's talk about diagnosis for a minute. 让我们稍微聊聊诊断过程吧。 Many of us think that we can't know what another animal is thinking,and that is true, but any of you in relationships a at least this is...
You may just find a familiar face By Kate Torgovnick May on Sep 2, 2015 You might know artist Liu Bolin by his outline. He paints himself to disappear into backgrounds, becoming a ghost-like presence in his images. (Watch his TED Talk, “The invisible man.”) It’s a trick of...
例如拓展出“每日TED演讲”( TEDTalk Daily)、“Sincerely X”等内容样式。在全球推广方面, TED 推出了“TED 全球”( TED Global)项目。随着各地区受众对演讲视频越来越多的关注, TED 开始向全球招募志愿者进行翻译工作,让内容不仅在英语地区传播。该项目也催生了 TEDx——全球志愿者自主创办的社区化小型演讲...
He's terrified of the Panic Monster -- boom, he's up the tree! And finally, the Rational Decision-Maker can take the wheel and I can start working on the talk. 猴子最怕恐慌怪兽——他一溜烟蹿到了树上。终于,理性决策者重新控制回方向盘…… ...
“I promise you, we can talk to people who disagree with us, and we must.” Celeste Headlee offers 4 steps to have THAT conversation — the toughest talks that we’ve avoided for too long now.News A gorgeous new digital book celebrates the TED Fellows on Jul 14, 2016 It’s neve...