And Bruce Alexander, the guy who did the Rat Park experiment, says, we talk all the time in addiction about individual recovery, and it's right to talk about that, but we need to talk much more about social recovery. Something's gon...
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And Bruce Alexander, the guy who did the Rat Park experiment, says, we talk all the time in addiction about individual recovery, and it's right to talk about that, but we need to talk much more about social recovery. Something's gone wrong with us, not just with individuals but as a...
especiallyone-on-one[withthe]oppositesex.Theydontknow thelanguageoffacecontact,thenon-verbalandverbalset ofrulesthatenableyoutocomfortablytalktosomebodyelse, listentosomebodyelse. 每年都有人研究大学生群体中的羞怯问题,这种问题在男性群体 中不断增长,一般可以分为两种,其中之一是社会尴尬。羞怯是一种 ...
The only people who should care about this is parents of boys and girls, educators, gamers, filmmakers and women who would like a real man who they can talk to, who can dance, who can make love slowly and contribute to the evolutionary pressures to keep our species above banana slugs. ...
foreign land. They don't know what to say, they don't know what to do, especially one-on-one [with the] opposite sex. They don't know the language of face contact, the non-verbal and verbal set of rules that en... Ted-ed近1000P包含完整的标题按原频道发布时间顺序排序,上传全部的英文CC字幕和中文CC字幕给每个视频上传对应的字幕很累的,如果有所帮助,三连关注支持一下吧。 开启CC字幕1,想要文本2 1.开启CC字幕方法 2....
in a foreign land. They don't know what tosay, they don't know what to do, especially one-on-one [with the] opposite sex.They don't know the language of face contact, the non-verbal and verbal set ofrules that enable you to comfortably talk to somebody else, listen to somebody... Ted-ed近1000P包含完整的标题按原频道发布时间顺序排序,上传全部的英文CC字幕和中文CC字幕给每个视频上传对应的字幕很累的,如果有所帮助,三连关注支持一下吧。 开启CC字幕1,想要文本2,想要视频下载3 1.开启CC字幕方法
Addiction is a disease. We should treat it like one | Michael Botticelli TED Talks. Ideas worth spreading 314 人观看 7年前 6:45 A simple birth kit for mothers in the developing world | Zubaida Bai TED Talks. Ideas worth spreading 169 人观看 7年前 15:08 A doctor's case ...