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corralm / ted-scraper Star 25 Code Issues Pull requests 🎙️ TED Talks web scraper python scraping kaggle scrapy beautifulsoup transcripts webscraping ted-talks Updated May 21, 2024 Python dimsum16 / dimsum-data Star 14 Code Issues Pull requests Data for the DiMSUM shared task at...
” Today the kind of online public shaming she went through has become constant — and can turn deadly. In a brave talk she takes a hard look at our online culture of humiliation and asks for a different way. ”公开羞辱是必须要被制止的流 的娱乐“,莫尼卡.莱温斯基说。在1998年,她说过”我...
“So that group they really changed my life. Those people were inspirational beyond inspirational for me … Like I still talk to some of them.” (P4)Discussion The current study aimed to add to the limited qualitative DBT literature to date by exploring the long-term follow-up experiences of...
View PDFView articleView in ScopusGoogle Scholar [8] Q. Su, S.F. Wang, T.E. Chang, R. Breitkreutz, H. Hennig, K. Takegoshi, et al. Circulating hepatitis B virus nucleic acids in chronic infection: representation of differently polyadenylated viral transcripts during progression to nonrepl...
“When we talk about corruption, there are typical types of individuals that spring to mind. There’s the former Soviet megalomaniacs. Saparmurat Niyazov, he was one of them. Until his death in 2006, he was the all-powerful leader of Turkmenistan, a Central Asian country rich in natural ...
(you'll have towatch his talk or read the transcriptsfor those points). The slides are in PDF form and may be downloaded. On slideshare you can easily cut and paste any of the passages (scroll down the page on slideshare.) I hope these simple quotes help you share Sir Ken Ro...
Still can’t get over ‘Girl Talk / Nice Work if You Can Get it.’ Holy cow! I’ve been listening to a ton of Van Eps lately, and when that ‘Nice Work’ kicks in, it’s, those lessons with George Van Eps really paid off! Just flawless. Thanks for making ...
Ted:This is just science. You just say, “Even if I didn’t know it” — Mark talking to himself —“Even if I didn’t or don’t at this moment know it, I know that it’s there. So, all I have to do is talk to it, and it’ll talk to me.” Kind of like anything. ...