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"The free, online, mainstream pornography that teenagers are most likely to see is a completely terrible form of sex education," says public health researcher Emily F. Rothman. She shares how her mission to end dating and sexual violence led her ...
talk to a kid about gender. Talk to a kid about sexuality. Teach them about consent. Tell them it is OK for boys to wear dresses and for girls to speak up. Let's spread radical queer joy.
The teens are encouraged to ask questions of the scientist. Some of the scientist presenters ask questions during their presentation, but time is always provided at the end of the talk for the participating teens to ask questions of the scientist. Many of the scientists also engage in more in...
topics. ted-ed is bringing wonder back to learning by introducing ideas through short ted-style talks and animations. to get an idea about how ted-ed videos are different from standard video lectures, check out ted fellow and neuroscientist greg gage's talk . greg shows how brains receive ...
Possibly the best book I have seen for teens is Cal Newport’s “how to be a high school superstar.” Cal Newport offers great advice on his blog,Studyhacks. You can get a flavour of his insights at histalk at Googlein which he makes the case to cultivate your passion. As Cal Newpor...
teens now say they’ve been cyber-bullied. I’ve experienced firsthand hate online, trolling online and we also need to talk about that. That to me is also part of self-care, because the bullies are just putting their insecurities that the...
Kate Simonds’ Ted Talk speaks out the truth of inequity towards young people, especially on teens in regards of voicing and expressing their thoughts and ideas without being neglected. It discusses the challenges of teens’ voice being heard due to the societal perception towards the insignificance...
杨澜TED演讲:重塑..Yang Lan: The generation that's remaking China The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was in
Ted Talk Analysis Kate Simonds’ Ted Talk speaks out the truth of inequity towards young people, especially on teens in regards of voicing and expressing their thoughts and ideas without being neglected. It discusses the challenges of teens’ voice being heard due to the societal perception towards...