【原文】But first, let's talk about what AI can do. So in the last decade, we've seen tremendous progress in how AI can help computers see, understand language, understand speech better than ever before. Things that we couldn't do before, now we can do. If you think about computer ...
So in summary, our situation with technology is complicated, but the big picture is rather simple. Most AI researchers expect AGI within decades, and if we just bumble into this unprepared, it will probably be the biggest mistake in human history -- lets face it. It could enable brutal, ...
Human extinction from AI went mainstream in May when all the AGI CEOs and who's who of AI researchers came on and warned about it. I造成的人类灭绝在五月份甚嚣尘上,当时,所有AGI首席执行官和AI领域有头有脸的研究人员站出来,发出了警告。 And las...
So in summary, provably safe AI, I'm convinced is possible, but it's going to take time and work. 总而言之,可证明安全的AI,我坚信这是可能的,但这需要时间和努力。 And in the meantime, let's remember that all the AI benefits that most people are excited about actually don't require su...
在这具有前瞻性的对话中,谷歌 DeepMind 联合创始人和 CEO 戴密斯·哈萨比斯(Demis Hassabis)与 TED 负责人克里斯·安德森(Chirs Anderson)深入介绍了 AI 的历史和出色能力。哈萨比斯解释了像 AlphaFold 这样的 AI 模型如何在不到一年之中准确地预测科学已知所有 2 亿种蛋白质的形状,已经以让全人类受益的方式...
If you only remember one thing from my talk, let it be this. 如果你只会记得演讲中的一点,那就记住这一点吧。 AI godfather, Alan Turing predicted that the default outcome is the machines take control. 人工智能教父艾伦·图灵(AlanTuring)预测默认的结果...
I'm going to talk about how AI and mankind can coexist, but first, we have to rethink about our human values. So let me first make a confession about my errors in my values. 我将会谈谈人工智能和人类如何能够共存, 但首先,我们需要重新思考人文价值。所以首先让我承认我价值观中的错误。
Many artificial intelligence researchers expect AI to outsmart humans at all tasks and jobs within decades, enabling a future where we're restricted only by the laws of physics, not the limits of our intelligence. MIT physicist and AI researcher Max Tegm
TED talk (AI) 045 词汇卡RigczEssy2137 开始学习 下载mp3 打印 玩检查自己 sztuczna inteligencja (AI) 开始学习 artificial intelligence poboczny, mniej ważny 开始学习 fringe chłodne traktowanie 开始学习 cold shoulder transkrypcja 开始学习...
他还讨论了构建 AI 工具的基本设计原则,以及 OpenAI 如何教导 AI 有效地使用这些工具。通过将这些工具整合到 ChatGPT 中,用户现在可以保存信息以供日后使用,并创建购物清单等,这些都得到了 AI 的帮助。Brockman 认为,这展示了一种新的思考用户界面和如何构建增强 UI 以改进用户体验的方式。