TED, which is short for “Technology, Entertainment, Design”, has become very popular around the world. A Ted talk is a short powerful speech that will get someone interested in your ideas. Its aim is to "use the power of th...
7:20Of course, where this all comes into play most of all is when you've got something really important to do.It might be standing on a stage like this and giving a talk to people. It might be proposing marriage,asking for a raise, a wedding speech. Whatever it is, if it's reall...
I have been tempted at every step of my career, tempted personally and tempted by coaching of others, to mute who I am in the world. I'm a woman of super strong opinions, with really deep convictions, direct speech. I have a magnificent wife, and together, we have such crazy ambition...
much better for everybody to go off bythemselves, generate their own ideas freed from the distortions of groupdynamics, and then come together as a team to talk them through in awell-managed environment and take it from there. 还曾跟随群体的意见 跟随着房间里最具有统治力的,最有领袖气质的人...
在遭遇挫折乃至失败时,很多人不是从自我的角度出发去检讨原因,而是为自己寻找各种各样的借口,以此为自己开脱。找借口是一种消极的“自我防御”,是一种非理性的对抗行为,只会让自己因为挫折和失败而陷入不可自拔的低谷中。 今天英语演讲君...
All speech is our breath. All song is our breath. And all in breath is thought. Just put a hand back on that diaphragm for a moment and breathe out. Then feel the breath in and as you breathe in think of someone you really love. That if we were all to speak on that out breath...
Now, at the outset, I want to be very clear that this speech comes with no judgments. I don't have the right answer. I don't even have it for myself. I left San Francisco, where I live, on Monday, and I was getting on the plane for this conference. And my daughter, who's ...
A number of studies have found this kind of training to be very effective. here's how you can apply this concept: start by imitating small portions of speech first, like phrases and short sentences, 接下来教你如何应用这个概念:首先以演讲为例,模仿演讲中小块段落,比如短语和短句, ...
社会心理学家 Amy Cuddy 研究了肢体语言如何不仅影响他人对我们的看法,还影响我们如何看待自己。她解释了“充满力量的姿势”,以自信的姿势站立,即使我们并不自信,如何帮助你在任何场合都感到充满力量,无论是在求职面试中还是在你的下一次绩效评估中。 00:00 ...
like to give speeches because I feel that, as an immigrant, I do not have good English skills for speaking. But then, I decided, just like Governor Arnold Schwartzenegger, I try anyway. (Laughter) My daughter -- my daughter wrote that, she told me, "Always start your speech with ...