Now to explain how this works, I want you all to pretend that you are participants in a study designed to stress you out. It's called the social stress test. You come into the laboratory, and you're told you have to...
There are tendencies to talk about it in relation to technology, to AI, and all those things are really important. But because of the technology, because of the AI, because of all the loss of the human touch, the conversation...
when I gave my first TEDTalk, Rebecca was five years old and she was sitting right there in the front row. I had just written a book that celebrated our life on the internet and I was about to be on the cover of Wired magazine. In those heady days, we were experimenting with chat ...
Let's talk about how we can use digital technology, the technology of our dreams, to make this life the life we can love. 但是我们对于这些网络替代品的幻想已经使我们失去了很多。如今,我们需要专注于找到可以让科技将我们带回现实生活的方法——带回到我们的身体,我们的圈子, 我们的社会,我们的政治,...
People talk to me about the important new skill of making eye contact while you're texting. (Laughter) People explain to me that it's hard, 让我们来举几个简单的例子。人们在公司的董事会议上发短信或写邮件,人们发短信,网购,浏览脸谱——上课时,听报告时,实际上在几乎所有的会议时。甚至有人告诉...
these celebrities are not the poster children for social anxiety. They're just three of the millions who suffer, who were brave enough to talk about it. And we can do the same with our platforms, however big or small. In our schools, in our workplaces, in our communities and in our ...
social, ubiquitous and cheap. Now most organizations that are trying to send messages to the outside world, to the distributed collection of the audience, are now used to this change. The audience can talk back. And that's a little freaky. But you can get used to it after a wh...
We're all embedded in vast social networks of friends, family, co-workers and more. Nicholas Christakis tracks how a wide variety of traits -- from happiness to obesity -- can spread from person to person, showing how your location in the network might i
Whileitmayseemintuitive,thisabilityhingesonthecarefulcoordinationofvariousbrainregions,sometimesreferredtoasthesocialbrain.这种能力虽然听起来理所当然,却取决于大脑里组成社交大脑的各个区域的悉心协调。BabiesbegintodevelopTheoryofMindaround18monthsorso.心智理论于婴儿 18 个月左右开始发育。Beforethat,it'sthoughtthey...
You may have already experienced the dogs and babies principle. It can be awkward to talk to someone on the street; you don't know how they're going to respond. But you can always talk to their dog or their baby. The dog or the baby is a social conduit to the person, and you ca...