This time, I'm going to talk about mental illness. 这次我要谈谈精神疾病。 But it has to be technological, so I'll talk about electroshock therapy. 但它应该是技术性的,所以我要谈谈电击疗法。 You know, ever since man had any notion that some of...
Well, studies show that even when we're really trying to pay attention to something -- like maybe this talk --at some point, about half of us will drift off into a daydream, or have this urge to check our Twitter feed. So what's going o...
In fact, psychologists believe our first experiences with self-talk are mostly vocal, as children often speak to themselves out loud as they play.事实上,心理学家认为我们自言自语的第一次经历大多是口头的,因为孩子们在玩耍时经常大声自言自语。Inthe1930s,RussianpsychologistLevVygotskyhypothesizedthatthis...
正文如下: Each person who entered our therapy clinic answer a stack of questions before beginning treatment. And during my years as a therapist there, there was one question I always reviewed before meeting with a new client. It asked this: What is your purpose in life? Defined as a centra...
When I talk about his death as a suicide, I'm not trying to downplay the viciousness he showed at the end of his life. I'm trying to understand how his suicidal thinkingled to murder. 当我说他的死因是自杀时,我不是在试着淡化他在自我了结时显示的残酷。我是在尝试了解他的自杀念头怎么变...
of that phrase: Growth only occurs in a state of discomfort. I can unequivocally state, I wouldn't be standing on this stage today without my uncomfortable, order-disrupting day, nine years ago - by the way I'm not recommending you go get fired to see if it leads to a TEDTalk. ...
When I first started talking about this research outside of academia, out with companies and schools, the very first thing they said to never do is to start your talk with a graph. The very first thing I want to do is start my talk with a graph. This graph looks boring, but this ...
i'm not saying that we all have to now go off and build our owncabins in the woods and never talk to each other again, but i am saying that wecould all stand to unplug and get inside our own heads a little more often. 好了,第二个:去到野外(打开思维) 就像佛祖一样,拥有你们自己...
Alexander Belcredi’s TED talk 11:00 Alexander Belcredi How a long-forgotten virus could help us solve the antibiotics crisis PostedNov 2018 More news and ideas from Alexander Belcredi News Reboot: The talks of TED@BCG October 8, 2018 ...
And we decided that we were going to hang out together, and we had so much fun. We liked to play in the same kind of ways, you know, we liked to animate things and make them talk, and we told silly jokes — we really had fun together. For a while. ...