Summaries like this show the speaker that you're truly trying to understand them rather than just waiting for your turn to talk. 这样的小结告诉对方你真的是在努力理解他们,而不是干等着轮到你讲话。 Speaking of which, while a good conversation requ...
I need to talk to him, see if he's OK." "He's in his room, Coach. He's refusing to come out." I knocked on the door."Rooh, come on out. I need to talk to you. I need to see if you're OK or if we need to go to ...
Ron Gutman reviews a raft of studies about smiling, and reveals some surprising results. Did you know your smile can be a predictor of how long you'll live -- and that a simple smile has a measurable effect on your overall well-being? Prepare to flex a few facial muscles as you learn...
Talk directly to other people who have stake (利害关系)your problem。 Ask things you might not normally ask in polite company,things that require a little courage on your part。 Now, as I look around the room,and I'm being a little presumptuous(冒昧、胆大妄为),I suspect this is going t...
Smiles: A history In a half-hour podcast from BBC Radio 4, learn how depictions of smiles evolved from the tight-lipped expressions of medieval portraits to wide grins during the dawn of photography. Newsletters Get the latest talks Get a daily email featuring the latest talk, plus a quick...
He walked the talk, and he expected his leaders to. For Doug, it all came down to being tough-minded on standards and tenderhearted with people. For him, he said it was all about these touch points, or these daily interactions he had with employees, whether in the hallway, in the cafe...
Summaries like this show the speaker that you're truly trying to understand them rather than just waiting for your turn to talk. 一旦谈话开始,你能做的最重要的事情之一也是最显而易见的——尽量不要打断谈话。这并不意味着你需要完全保持沉默。但如果你确实插话了,也要寻找自然的停顿,提出一些开放式的...
Imagine half a billion women coming together, with the support of men, to talk to one another for conversation, for change, both personal and political, and imagine men in their own circles, 试想一下,五亿女性团结在一起,有着男性的支持,共同探讨,一起变化,改变自己,改变政见,男人们也加入这个圈...
But even when TED Talkers were speaking about a serious topic, like Sheryl Sandberg’s Talk on women leaders, smiling still helped her intelligence ratings. Bottom Line: No matter how serious your topic, find something to smile about. #5 You Have 7 Seconds We can’t emphasize enough the ...
I've been asked to give a TED Talk."The reaction wasn't one I quite expected. The whole room went silent."A TED Talk? You mean, like the one you made us watch on grit? Or the one with the scientist that did this really awesome thing with robots?" Muhammad asked."Yes, just like...