across political lines.After we closed that first Trump/Clinton project,about two-thirds of the women went on to form their own Facebook group and they chose a moderator from each state and they continue to talk about difficult
我的感情生活也不例外。 The summer before I turned 30, I took myself on a relationship off-site. Which means I went camping solo in Maine for a week, to do a retro on my track record of mediocre relationships. Because...
Talk to trusted mentors to understand how working from home might affect issues that aren't on your radar. 与信赖的导师沟通,了解居家办公在其他你没注意到的方面可能带来的影响。 And think about how changing to working from home might actually affect others in your team. ...
and in the English language,this metaphor, falling,is really the main way that we talk about that experience.I don’t know about you,but when I conceptualize this metaphor,what I picture is straight out of a cartoon --like there’s a man,he’s walking down the sidewalk,without realizing...
move away from the words "abuse" and "violence," to think that they happen to someone else somewhere else. But the truth is, unhealthy relationships and abuse are all around us. We just call them different things and ignore the connection. Abuse sneaks up on us disguised in unhealthy love...
Let's say you're negotiating for something less black and white, like the ability to work from home to care for an aging parent. You need to study your company's policies on remote work. Ask yourself when and why were these policies developed in the first place? Talk to trusted mentors...
buildingjournalism-supported新闻支持 conversationsbe对话between people on opposite sides ofpolarizing两级分化issues.But how actually to do this in a world that's so divided,so deeply divided --when we live in a world in whichcousins堂兄弟and aunts and uncles can't talk to one another, when ...
Now, we're accustomed to thinking about emotions in this way, in simple, sort of, brief periods of time. So, for example, I was giving this talk recently in New York City, and I said, "You know when you're on the subway and the other person across the subway car smiles at you,...
In this 19-minute TED Talk,Susan Cainpresents her case for the value and importance of introverts and the extraordinary societal contributions that they make. Know of any other good TED Talks that touch on human interaction, social psychology, or social behavior? Share them with us in the comm...
Rock The Small Talk: 3 Fun Ways To Pick Up Cool Conversation Starters YouTube Everyone's got something to say about the weather. But if you want to engage people in a conversation for more than a few seconds, you need to follow up with something more interesting. ...