so, for instance, if you want to learn about money, you better be reading books that talk about money; or if you want to learn how to manage your relationships or to become a better communicator, there's a lot of books on that. ...
We move them into the same house, I verbally assassinate everybody,we open up Pandora's box,and I get people to stop arguing about the donuts,and who is hosting Thanksgiving dinner,and talk about the real stuff. 我们让他们全都住到同一屋檐下, 我对每...
So for the last five years, as a professor of business and psychology, I've been studying the effect of screens on our lives. And I want to start by just focusing on how much time they take from us, and then we can talk about what that time looks like. 所以最近五年,作为一个商业和...
【115】And I guess could you talk about some of the other gaps and why it's been important to also think about some of the other studies out there on life and happiness? 那么你是否能够 给我们说一些其他信息 以及为什么去探讨其他有关 生命和幸福的研究 为什么这很重要呢 【116】RW: Yes, tha...
• November 2016 In this deeply moving talk, Lucy Kalanithi reflects on life and purpose, sharing the story of her late husband, Paul, a young neurosurgeon who turned to writing after his terminal cancer diagnosis. "Engaging in the full range of experience -- living and dying, love and ...
Eventually, I left home for college and without the daily grounding of Sufism in my life, I felt unmoored. And I started searching for those things that make life worth living. That's what set me on this journey. Looking back, I now realize that the Sufi house had a real culture of ...
See, we talk about reentry in the context of war and incarceration. But we don't talk about it as much in the context of other kinds of traumatic experiences, like an illness. Because no one had warned me of the challenges of reentry, I thought something must be wrong with me. I ...
And life is really, really busy. And a couple of weeks into this amazing experience, when the sleep deprivation really kicked in, like around week eight, I had this thought, and it was the same thought that parents across the ages, internationally, everybody has had this thought, which is...
What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness 演讲者:Robert Waldinger 语言:英语 简介:2014 |幸福是什么?金钱,名望,或者成就感?哈佛大学开展了一次史上对成人发展研究最长的一次研究项目:从1938年开始,至今75年间,他们跟踪记录了724位男性,从少年到老年,年复一年地询问和记载他们的工作...
It's a time when your ordinary, day-to-day life has an inordinate impact on who you will become. 这是一个你的每日生活都会对你的未来产生巨大影响的时间段。 But what we hear less about is that there's such a thing as adult development, 但是我们听到的比较少的就是有一个东西叫成人发展, ...