TED is supported by ads and partners Newsletters Get the latest talks Get a daily email featuring the latest talk, plus a quick mix of trending content. Subscribe By subscribing, you understand and agree that we will store, process and manage your personal information according to ourPrivacy Pol...
TED-Ed Psychology Leadership Education AI Sleep Mental health Business Motivation Communication Personal growth Sports Health Language See all Newest Talks TED is supported by ads and partners Newsletters Get the latest talks Get a daily email featuring the latest talk, plus a quick mix of trending ...
really cherish. And I have a kind of Hollywood ending to my talk this afternoon, which goes a little bit like this: 对我而言,我想衡量这种方式 是否产生作用,以及它的意义最直接的方法 还是要回到我给儿子说睡前故事的事,因为那是这个事情 的开端。...
It’s time for TED to embark on an exciting new chapter I’ve had the great good fortune to have overseen TED for the last 25 years. It’s been exhilarating, and I feel great pride in what TED has become. As the organization moves into its fifth decade and I approach (gulp) 70,...
Complete Web Scraping of TED.com for Metadata, Transcript, Audio, Video, Images using Parallel Programming pythonmetadatascraperscalabletedscalabilityscrapingjupyter-notebookdatasettranscripttedxscraping-websitesparallel-programmingtext-datasetsted-talkted-talkscolaboratoryted-datasetscraping-at-scale ...
Adriana Eguia Alaniz started her talk in the United States, speaking English. She ended it in Mexico, speaking Spanish. Welcome to TEDxMonumento258, an event held across the US-Mexico border. On September 4, 2015, attendees gathered in both San Diego and Tijuana to watch as ideas permeated ...
What is a TED talk? TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design and is a global set of conferences that have run every year since 1990. Speakers from around the world gather to deliver talks on their specialist subjects, life experiences, professions, areas of research and more. They...
This talk by Sheila Kelley is incredible. This should be a must-see for both women and men. As Ms. Kelley goes on to point out, from the simple admonishment of when she was 7 years old, to a woman having to keep her knees together and paying close attention to how she dresses and...
If we are going to have any control over our e-waste problem, we have to talk about repair. 如果我们想要控制电子垃圾问题的恶化,那我们就必须重视修复的作用。 Let me give you a sense of scale. 我来说一些数据。 Back in 2013, the EPA estimated that ...
How is each TED Talk related to every other TED Talk? Which are the most viewed and most favorited Talks of all time? Are they mostly the same? What does this tell us? What kind of topics attract the maximum discussion and debate (in the form of comments)?