Search for a talk Sort by Topics Subtitles Duration TED Talks: Discover ideas worth spreading Newest Talks 05:45 What you miss when you focus on the average Sharon Zicherman 08:49 How light and code can transform a city Leo Villareal
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TED Talks have become a household name, providing binge worthy entertainment with a twist. Every time you watch a TED Talk, you walk away with some groundbreaking information from leaders in any array of disciplines. In the past few years, TED Talks have become an iconic piece of pop culture...
跨出跨界合作第一步的是 TED 波兰分部。TED 波兰分部和 Nike 合作打造了一款 Air Trainer 1,用来赠送给演讲者、表演者和活动现场志愿者。这款 Air Trainer 1 “TEDxPortland” 采用了 TED Talk logo 的红黑白色,相关的口号和理念被印在了后跟和鞋垫上。其实在之前 Nike 就为 TED 波兰分部尝试性打造过 Air H...
That's about five percent of everybody. So I'm not sure if you saw your neighbor putting their hand up. Talk to them about if it was successful or not. I've found that finding out about what I'm going to like in the fu...
That's about five percent of everybody. So I'm not sure if you saw your neighbor putting their hand up. Talk to them about if it was successful or not. I've found that finding out about what I'm going to like in the future, my very best way...
TED Talk Let’s Begin… When Michael Bierut was tapped to design a logo for public school libraries, he had no idea he was embarking on a years-long passion project. In this often hilarious talk, he recalls his obsessive quest to bring energy, learning, art and graphics into these magical...
Vaughn and Lawrence talk to The Hollywood Reporter about why they jumped at the chance to tackle Carl Hiaasen’s surreal, satire-filled character piece for streaming TV — and what (hopefully) comes next. TV Features Oct 9, 2024 5:00 pm By Max Gao Jason...
Although I am wrestling with Christ and my faith now in a BIG way,one thing I know is that each time I return to Him, He is always therefor me with loving hands of forgiveness. Even after all the offensive questions I’ve asked Him lately! I forget His gifts constantly, and try to...