and they even talk about reskilling as part of the national defense agenda against threats and challenges to the economy. 他们甚至谈到将重新训练作为国防议程的一部分,以应对经济威胁和挑战。 There was even a "lifelong learning" float at Singapore's ...
This talk was presented at an official TED conference. Read our curation guidelines. Learn more about UPSTART's plan to educate 250,000 pre-school age children in the US. learn Donate now to ensure that all children are ready for school on day one. participate ...
坐下与闭嘴,除非叫你做别的,必须完全服从命令。 We spent the first three years of our lives learning how to walk and talk, kind of useful skills I would say, and for the rest we're told sit down and shut up. And yeah that sounds like a great idea. I'm gonna do that. 我们在生命...
Wofford College president Bernie Dunlap tells the story of Sandor Teszler, a Hungarian Holocaust survivor who taught him about passionate living and lifelong learning.
We spent the first three years of our lives learning how to walk and talk, kind of useful skills I would say and for the rest we're told sit down and shut up. 我们在生命中的头三年学习走路讲话,或者说所谓「有用」的技能,...
I'm a musical theater historian, writer and teacher, and I'm here to talk to you about how we talk about art. 我是一名音乐剧历史学家、作家以及老师。今天我来跟大家谈谈如何谈论艺术。 Theater is, at its core, a collaborative art form. ...
Open it up to an apology or talk about a social issue that might be on their hearts. 敞开心扉的道歉或者谈论他们可能关心的社会问题。 And we normalize these forms of communication to show boys that it is perfectly human to open your minds and your hearts to your community. ...
5.3 Embracing failure: Conti advocates for a culture that embraces failure as a valuable learning experience, enabling designers to iterate and improve their designs. Conclusion: Maurice Conti's TED Talk provides a captivating glimpse into the future of design, where AI, generative design, and the...
【71】Open it up to an apology or talk about a social issue that might be on their hearts. 敞开心扉的道歉 或者谈论他们可能关心的社会问题。 【72】And we normalize these forms of communication to show boys that it is perfectly human to open your minds and your hearts to your community. ...
Do you talk to the woman who walks by your house every day with her dog? Do you play bridge or poker, have a book club? Those interactions are one of the strongest predictors of how long you'll live. 09:15 Now, this leads me to the next question: if we now spend more time ...