a third party homes in on the senior. They start to use persuasion and influence, and really almost grooming, to get them to give them money or assets. This can be a new person in the senior's life, and sometimes
We are in a business of influence and persuasion. -Cristalize amorphous thoughts/ideas into crisp messages. - PACK model:Purpose/ Audiences / Channels / Key Messages - 《一千零一夜》 (tales from the thousand and one nights) 的价值,主题是说故事的力量。以及故事与生存之间的关系(the relationship...
Now, this idea of marginal gains will eventually get you a good jet engine. And it's been quite widely implemented in the world. So you'll hear about it, for example, in high performance cycling, web designers will talk about tr...
Roger Grannis is a keynote speaker and expert in the field of influence, persuasion, and sales. Roger has improved business performance at some of the biggest names in business: GE, PepsiCo, Symantec, Vertex, Wells Fargo, Underwriters Laboratories. Prior to forming GrannisGroup, in 2004, Roger...
Tiny little behavioral economics detail:in Italy, penalty points go backwards.You start with 12 and they take them away.Because they found that loss aversionis a more powerful influence on people's behavior.In Britain we tend to feel, "Whoa! Got another three!"Not so in Italy. Another fant...
Using psychology in food menu design to influence decisions Madhu Menon Every menu is a carefully constructed to persuade you into making certain decisions, predom- inantly ones that will ultimately make you spend more MONEY. The psychology behind menu engineering is backed by science and countless...
Niro Sivanathan speaks, writes and consults on how people attain, maintain (and lose) influence through status and power. About TEDx TEDx was created in the spirit of TED's mission, "ideas worth spreading." It supports independent organizers who want t...
Free Essay: In the TedTalk “Gaming can Make a Better World” Jane McGonigal tackles the stigma around video games being a waste of time and how they can...
It also goes to explain another type of crime that we see seniors falling for, again and again, and this is financial exploitation. In this type of crime, a third party homes in on the senior. They start to use persuasion and influence, and really almost grooming, to get them to give...
14 Rue Eugene Manuel in Paris to advise me about economics at my father’s request, and he and I had ended up in a fierce private debate for about forty minutes over the demerits (as I saw them) and merits (as he saw them) of the Soviet influence on Indian economic policy-making. ...