Fortunately, scientific advances and, frankly, economic realities make that option less viable every day. The science is clear: Early adversity dramatically affects health across a lifetime. Today, we are beginning to understand ...
Nadine Burke Harris: How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime | TED Talk 我们使用 Cookie 以允许我们网站的正常工作、个性化设计内容和广告、提供社交媒体功能并分析流量。我们还同社交媒体、广告和分析合作伙伴分享有关您使用我们网站的信息。 Cookie 设置 接受所有 Cookie ...
Nadine Burke Harris’ TED talk 15:45 Nadine Burke Harris How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime PostedFeb 2015
Fortunately, scientific advances and, frankly, economic realities make that option less viable every day. The science is clear: Early adversity dramatically affects health across a lifetime. Today, we are beginning to understand how to interrupt the progression from early adversity to disease and ear...
【TED:童年创伤怎样终身影响健康】童年创伤不是一件长大就能解决的问题。『Nadine Burke Harris: How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime | TED Talk |』
自查一下,你觉得自己有童年创伤吗?我想,多多少少还是会有一点的。但是,这些创伤并不是你长大后就能克服的。儿科医生纳丁·伯克·哈里斯(Nadine Burke Harris)解释说:遭受虐待,忽视等问题,对大脑的发育产生了切实的影响。这些负面的东西,也将会在漫长一生中持续不断地影响着你!
not ready to share." And that's OK. The time will come when you will feel it inside your soul that it's time to turn your past pain into purpose for the future. These children are our future. I just encourage you to take it day by d...
TED演讲播放量最高视频 046 How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime _ Nadine 16:03 TED演讲播放量最高视频 047 How to practice emotional first aid _ Guy Winch 17:29 TED演讲播放量最高视频 048 The bridge between suicide and life _ Kevin Briggs 14:14 TED演讲播放量最高视频 04...
How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime Nadine Burke Harris · 13M views · 10 years ago 14 min science How language shapes the way we think Lera Boroditsky · 24M views · 7 years ago 40 years of TED: celebrate the past, shape the future ...
Let’s see how your experience simulators are working.Let’s just run a quick diagnosticbefore I proceed with the rest of the talk.Here’s two different futures that I invite you to contemplate.You can try to simulate them and tell me which one you think you might prefer.One of them is...