And the computer would say ... nothing, because a computer cannot talk back to you. 电脑会……沉默,因为电脑没法回你话。 So that's the importance of having someone there who was trained to teach you and tell you what you do in situations...
And we're going to see that in several videos moving forward, but we're going to start -- for those of you who don't know him, this is presidential candidate John Edwards who shocked America by fathering a child out of wedlock. We're going to see him talk about getting a paternity...
不要太咄咄逼人,这是行不通的。 Now, we've talked a little bit about how to talk to someone who's lying and how to spot a lie. And as I promised, we're now going to look at what the truth looks like. But I'm going to show you...
this is presidential candidate John Edwards who shocked America by fathering a child out of wedlock. We're going to see him talk about getting a paternity test. See now if you can spot him saying, "yes" while shaking his head "no," ...
So let's go back to those two beings conceived at the beginning of this talk. We have two beings, both conceived in the middle of 1979 on the exact same day. Let's imagine one of them, Mary, is born three months prematurely, so she's born on June 1, 1980. Henry, by contrast,...
塔米基亚·米斯拉迪·史密斯说,是时候在能帮助员工进行有难度的交流的面对面培训上投资了。在这个幽默又有带动性的演讲中,史密斯分享一个名为 ”我很得体” 的工作场合培训项目,该项目会启发老板和员工带着爱心和尊重与人沟通交流。底线是:永远要让员工知道为什么他们的工...
and reading non-business books left no time for clients. Her goal now, besides having fun and staying fit, is to share her ideas that will help people be more productive, more effective, more confident, as well as happier. She does this through her writing and this TEDx talk. Connect wi...
"The King and I" is a perfect example of a show with many worthwhile messages: the importance of being a lifelong learner, seeing your fellow man as your equal, working together toward a common goal, while also having aspects that would not be well receivedif it was first presented today...
the human ability to adapt, it's an interesting thing, because people havecontinually wanted to talk to me about overcoming adversity, and i'm going tomake an admission: this phrase never sat right with me, and i always felt uneasytrying to answer people's questions about it, and i think...
I learned three additional languages. It’s about those 3 years that I want to talk about. Because my language acquisition process was very different from that of my peers, in that it was never of these stressful, strenuous, difficult, seemingly impossible tasks, but rather something enjoyable...