Talk Easy with Sam Fragoso (2020) (Podcast Series) - Self (1 episode, 2020) Episode 171 - Ted Danson (五月 17, 2020) Self Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend (2020) (Podcast Series) - Self - Guest (1 episode, 2020) Ted Danson (五月 4, 2020) Self - Guest In Bed with Nick...
TED英语演讲 | 世界上最丑女孩,却活得很美丽! 丽兹·维拉斯奎兹,英文名Lizzie Velasquez,身高1.57米,体重从未超过27.3公斤,仅相当于一个8岁女童的重量,每隔15分钟就要进餐一次,获得一个"骷髅女孩"的绰号。瘦骨嶙峋外加长相独特,使她被冠以全世界最丑陋女人之名。 她在TED做过一个演讲:你如何定义你自己?“我要...
始于快乐,历经悲伤离散,终回日常 My father was born in the city of Wuhan and some of my relatives live there as well some also live overseas. Luckily, we can still connect with each other through a shared WeChat group called H...
Regardless I went to TedXManchester 2019 (without my DSLR), and thought its about time I got back into blogging some of the best talks, especially as they are put on youtube now. Because they are on youtube so quickly, I created a playlist withthe best TedXManchester videos. There are ...
Temple Baker knows that evil runs in her blood. Her father is the North Point Killer, an infamous serial killer known for how he marked each of his victims with a brand. He was convicted for murdering 20 people and was the talk of countless true crime blogs for years. Some say he was...
now it’s not funny -- in thisway, we can actually learn something about the architecture of the brain, the functional architecture of the brain. 我们现在所做的,就是把幽默感作为一种神经科学的探针,通过幽默的开关,通过调整笑话——“这个不搞笑了……哦,现在这个有意思……”“现在我们调整一点…...
Simplicity: We know it when we see it -- but what is it, exactly? In this funny, philosophical talk, George Whitesides chisels out an answer.
I'm Kevin Allocca, I'm the trends manager at YouTube, and I professionally watch YouTube videos. 我是凯文·阿劳卡。我是YouTube的趋势分析经理, 而我的专业就是观看YouTube视频。 It's true. 这是真的。 So we're going to talk a little bit today ...
What do you think when you look at this speaker? Well, think again. (And then again.) In this funny, honest, empathetic talk, Yassmin Abdel-Magied challenges us to look beyond our initial perceptions, and to open doors to new ways of supporting others.
Ted was fabulous. He was funny, insightful, engaging. People really liked him, they were on the edges of their seats. Universities & Colleges What other organizations say about Ted Koppel In short, on a scale of 1-10, Ted was a 15! He was so kind and thoughtful to all the Luther st...