my days turned into breastfeeding difficulties, toddler meltdowns and depression. The dishes stayed in the sink for days. The laundry pile reached impressive heights. And there was often not a path to walk from room to room. And when I should have been...
from another person's point of view? What would you see now from this wider perspective? That's why, when I see people who are depressed, I sometimes say, "You are not the best person to talk to you about you right now," because depression distorts our stories in a very particular ...
【17】In a blur, my days turned into breastfeeding difficulties, toddler meltdowns and depression. 我的日子稀里糊涂地充斥着 哺乳困难、 宝宝撒泼打滚, 还有我的抑郁。 【18】The dishes stayed in the sink for days. 没洗的碗堆在水槽里好几天。 【19】The laundry pile reached impressive heights....
Their parents still make their doctors appointments for them. They call the kids' old friends and beg them to come visit. They do the kids' laundry and cook for them. And they are in great conflict with their young adult, because the anxiety...
It's part of the human condition. Two decades of research show that languishing can disrupt your focus and dampen your motivation. It's also a risk factor for depression because languishing often lurks below the surface. You might not notice when your drive is dwindling or your delight is ...
a babysitter sooner. Even if she's here and Sean comes home, there is still so much we can get DONE while Carling keeps playing with them. I look forward to long days of the girls playing with her in the back yard while I do important stuff like take a shower or put laundry away....
Judith Butler and Athena Athanasiou,Dispossession: the Performative in the Political Simon Critchley,Faith of the Faithless: Experiement in Political Theology Ann Cvetkovich, Depression: a Public Feeling Jaques Derrida,Spectres of Marx Neal Faulkner,A Marxist History of the World ...
It's part of the human condition. Two decades of research show that languishing can disrupt your focus and dampen your motivation. It's also a risk factor for depression because languishing often lurks below the surface. You might not notice when your drive is dwindling or your delight is ...
Because 2020 is when the COVID lockdowns happened and all of that support disappeared overnight. In a blur, my days turned into breastfeeding difficulties, toddler meltdowns and depression. 因为2020年,新冠隔离开始...