我听说过太多的讲述,但是没听过真正的聆听。We think of negotiation as being about talking.我们以为谈判就是讲述。But in fact, it's really about listening.而实际上聆听才是谈判的真谛。If you study the behavior of successful negotiators, you find that they listen far more than they talk.如果你研...
That's why SUIS JKEMW is having a special TED Talk night to encourage students to develop the habit of self-directed inquiry and complete their presentations. 所以协和教科融合部特设TED演讲之夜,鼓励学生养成自主探究的习惯,并完成演讲。...
a sanctuary of bravery and brilliance.I will ask that homeless man what his name is and how his day was, becausesometimes all people want to be is human. I will tell that woman that mystudents can talk about transcendentalism like their last name ...
每天晚上,当他们回家时,他们都会以同样的方式结束夜晚。 Usually, they would gather me and my siblings, and would give us a pep talk on how much they desired for us to go to school and be educated. 通常,他们会召集我和我的兄弟姐妹,给我们打气,告诉我们他们多么希望我们能够上学和受教育。 Surpris...
2023-07-10 War, AI and the New Global Arms Race 09:53 2023-07-11 Will Superintelligent AI End the World? 10:33 2023-07-12 Everyone Can Participate in Building the Metaverse PT 2 @TED #ted 00:38 2023-07-13 The Renewable Energy Revolution Happening in Ukraine ...
2023-07-10 War, AI and the New Global Arms Race 09:53 2023-07-11 Will Superintelligent AI End the World? 10:33 2023-07-12 Everyone Can Participate in Building the Metaverse PT 2 @TED #ted 00:38 2023-07-13 The Renewable Energy Revolution Happening in Ukraine ...
But he also knew it needed to be lucrative for them in the short run. Alright, so let's talk about another tool for foresight. This one I like to think of as keeping the memory of the past alive to help us imagine the future. So I went to Fukushima, Japan on the sixth anniversary...
crisis centers designed to avert an accidental nuclear war. In that capacity, he served as a consultant to the Crisis Management Center at the White House. More recently, Ury has served as a third party in helping to end a civil war in Aceh, Indonesia, and helping to prevent one in ...
Usually, they would gather me and my siblings, and would give us a pep talk on how much they desired for us to go to school and be educated. 通常,他们会召集我和我的兄弟姐妹,给我们打气,告诉我们他们多么希望我们能够上学和受教育。
dives deep inside underwater caves, to searching for never-before-seen ecosystems inside giant Antarctic icebergs, to the lawless desert border area between Egypt and Libya while a civil war raged around her, Jill's curiosity and passion about our watery planet is the driving force in her life...