It is not known what action, if any, caused Nugent to lose his Facebook account. In the video, Nugent rattled off a long list of rallying cries, saying: “It’s Uncle Ted with my truth logic, common sense, we the people, good over evil, self-defense, God, family, country, constitu...
He added, "That's the first amendment. So, obviously, I don't really even have to comment. Because everybody knows — if they've been paying to Ted Nugent — I am exactly what the founding fathers wanted every American to be: Critical thinking, suspicious of all authority, and [I] h...
Released in September 1975, with "Stranglehold" as its opening track, Ted Nugent's self-titled debut album made him a star, cracking the Top 30 and eventually selling over two million copies. "What it teaches me, and it taught me a long time ago [is] if you are doing something onstag...
The war of words betweenTed NugentandJoan Jetthas gone another round, as the Motor City Madman responded to Jett’srecent criticism. “Joan, I love you. It’s real rock and roll, awesome, plus I love lesbians. I think it’s cool,” Nugent declared May 4 via hisYouTube channel, insis... Ted-ed近1000P包含完整的标题按原频道发布时间顺序排序,上传全部的英文CC字幕和中文CC字幕给每个视频上传对应的字幕很累的,如果有所帮助,三连关注支持一下吧。 开启CC字幕1,想要文本2 1.开启CC字幕方法 2.... Ted-ed近1000P包含完整的标题按原频道发布时间顺序排序,上传全部的英文CC字幕和中文CC字幕给每个视频上传对应的字幕很累的,如果有所帮助,三连关注支持一下吧。 开启CC字幕1,想要文本2,想要视频下载3 1.开启CC字幕方法