This chapter examines four of the British nature poet Ted Hughes's marine animal poems for children in an ecocritical perspective, including a discussion of how accompanying illustrations may change or add new features to the poems and their environmental potential. Bjrlo explores the poems and ...
TedHughes特德休斯 •EdwardJamesHughesOM(orderofmerit,等(,第)(17August1930–28October1998),morecommonlyknownasTedHughes,wasanEnglishpoetandchildren'swriter.•Hugheswasbornon17August1930at1AspinalStreet,inMytholmroyd.HestudiedEnglish,anthropology(人类学)andarchaeology(考古学)人类学)考古学)at...
Ted Hughes was an English poet whose most characteristic verse is without sentimentality, emphasizing the cunning and savagery of animal life in harsh, sometimes disjunctive lines. He is also known for his marriage to the American poet Sylvia Plath and f
Ted Hughes was a British poet. He was married to Sylvia Plath, another famous poet. His poems often talked about nature and myths. People remember him partly because of his troubled marriage to Plath. You stand there at the blackboard: Lutheran ...
TedHughes •特德·休斯(TedHughes,1930-1998)出生于西约克郡,毕业于剑桥大学,之后作过园丁、夜间守门人等。1956年他与在剑桥结识的美国女诗人西尔维亚·普拉斯结婚,并移居美国。1960年休斯举家回到英国,两年后婚姻破裂,普拉斯于次年自杀身亡。休斯儿时喜爱射击渔猎,他对于动物和自然之美的着迷都表现在他的第一...
They die for love. They have songs, poems, novels, sculptures, paintings, myths, legends. In over 175 societies, people have left their evidence of this powerful brain system. I have come to think it's one of the most powerful...
Examination at the Womb-Door by Ted Hughes - Who owns those scrawny little feet? Death. Who owns this bristly scorched-looking face? Death. Who owns these st
Free collection of all Ted Hughes Poems and Biography. See the best poems and poetry by Ted Hughes.
20 Crow's Fall 21 Bride and Groom Lie Hidden for Three Days 22 How To Paint A Water Lily 23 Tractor 24 Lineage 25 The Child Is Father To The Man 26 Pied Beauty 27 God's Grandeur 28 Spring & Fall: To A Young ChildView Ted Hughes: Poems | Quotes | Biography | Books Home...
Edward James (Ted) Hughes was born in Mytholmroyd, in the West Riding district of Yorkshire, on August 17, 1930. His childhood was quiet and dominately rural. When he was seven years old, his family moved to the small town of Mexborough in South Yorkshir