I can see some people nodding; you’re probably thinking being a referee is the perfect environment to learn how not to take things personally. Isn’t it? Because the spectators hardly ever shout encouraging or positive things. No. Oh, what do ...
🌟标题:How not to take things personally (如何别太在意一些事) 🌟It's not about me. 🌟It's about me. 有时候我们就是有点敏感,觉得某事与我有关,某个错误与我有关,事事都放在心上。可如果一直是这样,我们就活得太累了。 文章中就讲到: ✨"People may attack you, criticize you or ignor...
我们在生活中可能经常会因为别人的一句话或一些行为就会开始胡思乱想,而且通常会归因到自己身上,认为是自己做的不好,但实际上别人怎么说和怎么做,有自己背后的原因,且原因通常和你无关~希望这个视频可以帮你克服掉”想很多”的问题,让你的生活更轻松些~, 视频播放量
How not to take things personally? 00:03 tell what you feel without blaming the other one it is about me it is about me——speak up——be vulnerable her success speaks for itself她的成功有目共睹 speak for itself 不言而喻,有目共睹 a city person喜欢城市生活的人 tailgate,flash his ...
本文翻译自TED演讲 How not to take things personally 你是否觉得自己比较敏感,比如你总会把别人的言语和行为放在心上,你开会说话的时候,看见有人看手机,就会觉得他不尊重你,觉得别人不重视自己开车的时候,只要后面按喇叭,你就会慌,你会觉得别人嫌自己肉,邀请一个朋友出去玩,只要对方拒绝,不管什么理由,你都会觉得...
two strategies to not take things personally: 1 It's not about me, look about the other person's intention. The speaker is hurt by someone using a smartphone during the presentation, then it might not be about him- the topic might not interest the listener or he might have received an ...
【油管搬运TedTalk】如何不被个人情绪影响 | How not to take things personally UP主: ODIL每天一点#bilibili# http://t.cn/A65cPHfr (哔哩哔哩客户端下载 http://t.cn/Ai1eB8sg)
become a referee for two other reasons: one, to stay in good shape; two, because I wanted to learn how not to take things personally. I can see some people nodding; you’re probably thinking being a referee is the perfect environment to learn how not to take things personally. Isn’t...
当有人说:“xxx你真自私...”的时候,‘哦,我好难过’,并且很在意这句话”我做错了什么吗?” TED <HOW NOT to take things PERSONALLY?> ‘不要活在别人眼中’而往往是说出来容易做起来那可是难上加难。 即使在独立可我们依旧属于这个世界。 /// 02 真的只要...