Education is a basic right for all children, especially for those who have grown up only knowing violence and conflict. 教育是所有孩子的基本权利,特别是那些在暴力和冲突充斥下长大的孩子们。 And education, also, is the way we make our future more ...
篇1:ted演讲集education Imagine, if you will, a gift.I’d like for you to picture in your mind.It’s not too big.About the size of a golf ball.So in vision what it looks like all wrapped up.But before I show you what’s inside, I will tell you that’s going to do incredible...
Das Online-AbstimmungssystemOnlineTED®Education wurde von Pädagogen und IT-Experten speziell für die Anforderungen an Schulen und Universitäten entwickelt. Heute zähltOnlineTED®Education zu den führenden Anbietern webbasierter Abstimmungssysteme im Bildungssektor. MitOnlineTED®Education...
TED英语演讲课给心灵放个假吧 演讲题目:The power of multilingualism in education 演讲简介: 美国语言多样性世界排名第五,但在校园里,教学重心偏向英语,学生的母语往往不受重视。教育家梅根·阿卢比基·弗利克提倡开展双语课程,关注发展和维系两种语言,并阐释了如何培育和维...
而作为TED(Technology,Entertainment,Design)的延伸,TED推出了针对青少年儿童的TED Education栏目,致力于用更生动的形式,更易懂的语言,为孩子打造一片知识和智慧的海洋。 目前,TED Education共上传了3700多个科普视频,涵盖科学,天文,地理,数学,历史, 语言甚至是商业等孩子喜欢的所有领域,所以它更像是视频版的百科全书。
Education is a basic right for every child. 教育是每个孩子的一项基本权利。 And it is the way each of us can get skills, tools and power to make change in our lives and in the world. 这也是我们每一个人获得技能的途径,是改变人生和世界的工具和力量。
The main point is that, if we continue to look at education as if it's about coming to school to get the information and not about experiential learning, empowering student voice and embracing failure, we're missing the mark. And everything that everybody is talking about today isn't poss...
3 rules to spark learning _ Ramsey MusallamDo schools kill creativity _ Sir Ken RobinsonEvery kid needs a champion _ Rita PiersonGrit - the power of passion and perseverance _ Angela Lee DuckworthHow to design a library that makes kids want to read _ Michael BierutHow to escape education’s...
第一篇:TED演讲集education TED演讲集:Sir Ken Robinson 谈推动学习革命 Bring on the learning revolution! education, in a way, dislocates very many people from their natural talents.And human resources are like natural resources;they're often buried deep.You have to go looking for them.They're ...
Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity. 0 2.如果我有一个女儿——Sarah Kay If I should have a daughter. “如果我有一个女儿,而不是妈妈,她会叫我B点(Point B)...”这是口语诗人萨拉·...