『如何开启字幕』网页端:点击视频右下角的【cc】按钮,就可以选择中英字幕; APP端:三个点那里点开,点击屏幕反转旁边的字幕即可查看、学习。 视频观点不代表本人观点,个人学习研究用,侵删。 展开更多 Ted-ed近1000P包含完整的标题按原频道发布时间顺序排序,上传全部的英文CC字幕和中文CC字幕给每个视频上传对应的字幕很累的,如果有所帮助,三连关注支持一下吧。 开启CC字幕1,想要文本2,想要视频下载3 1.开启CC字幕方法
开门见山,家长可以直接去TED-Ed官网上或Youtube上观看(手机和电脑都可)。 如果打开TED-Ed的官网,出现“视频缓冲不出来、点击视频打不开”等问题的话,别急,还可移步TED官网 👉。 进入官网→找到“WATCH...
The TED-Ed project — TED's education initiative — makes short video lessons worth sharing, aimed at educators and students. Within TED-Ed’s growing library of lessons, you will find carefully curated educational videos, many of which are collaborations between educators and animators nominated ...
TED-Ed celebrates the ideas of teachers and students around the world. Discover hundreds of animated lessons, create customized lessons, and share your big ideas. 【2023年8月】TED-ED 【英文CC字幕】 英文文本 链接: 提取码:6666 音频列表 1 【2023年2月】TED-ED 【英文CC字幕】 1816
TED-Ed 专门做给学生观看学习的TED!TED-Ed Originals are short, award-winning animated videos about ideas that spark the curiosity of learners everywhere.TED-Ed provides everything you need to spark and celebrate your students' ideas.What ca...
TED-ed的动画,大家是不是都想看?但要去哪里看呢? 去TED官网就能看。而且是全免费的。网站在国内也可以打开,偶尔打开速度比较慢,但是视频观看不受影响。 首先,进入官网,点击“WATCH”,然后点击下拉栏里边的TED-Ed videos就可以观看全部的视频了。
TED Ed History TED Ed history videos are accompanied by pre-made lessons to integrate in your teaching. The standard structure of TED Ed lessons, as you probably know, is composed of the Watch section where students watch the video lesson, Think (contains multiple choice questions to check stu...
TED视频是个非常好的英语学习的材料,无论你是为了练习听力,还是为了做翻译。 除了各个行业的人物演讲,TED网站还制作了一批教育类的动画视频。 图片 点击TED-EDvideos,就会看到。 每个视频不长,5分钟左右。虽然时间不长,但知识满满。 0 直接在官网看的话,会有字幕。但如果为了练习听力或者翻译,可以不去看字幕。