世界人文地理动画。TED-Ed给孩子准备的动画:世界人文地理动画短片——《The World's People and Places》128集全,含中英双语字幕‼️这部TED-Ed的原创动画内容涉及科学、商业、人文、心理、伦理等不同领域的 - 成长能量站于20231007发布在抖音,已经收获了5个喜欢,
英字【127】Why the metric system matters - Matt Anticole 05:08 英字【128】Zen koans unsolvable enigmas designed to break your brain - Puqun Li 04:58 【TED】世界人文历史动画短片【全128集】 The world's people and places【上】 / 英文字幕 / 有趣好玩的世界历史知识短片 6.3万播放21...
今天跟大家分享的是 TED-Ed出品的给孩子看的历史、自然科学小短片《TheWorld's people and places》,128集带英文字幕。 这部动画共128集,每集都会从一个特定的角度来介绍一个人文历史主题,平均5分钟就能看完一个主题,为小读者们提供...
It's Hagia Sophia. - Kelly Wall 05:12 英字【41】Mansa Musa, one of the wealthiest people who ever lived - Jessica Smit 03:55 英字【42】NASA’s first software engineer Margaret Hamilton - Matt Porter & Margaret 05:10 英字【43】Notes of a native son The world according to James ...
英文名称◇:TED-Ed The World's People and Places 动画集数◇:163集 动画格式◇:视频为MP4格式 ...
世界人文地理动画短片,128集全网独家带英文字幕版,让孩子彻底迷上人文历史!! TED演讲如雷贯耳,TED-Ed你了解吗?TED- Ed是TED网站专为教师和学生提供高质量课程的频道。 今天要给大家分享的是TED-ed的内容:《The Wolds’s people and places》。
You've got to admit that's a lot of choice. In other domains -- the world of communications. 你没法不承认这可是不小的一堆选择吧。换个行业,说说通讯。 There was a time, when I was a boy, when you could get any kind of telephone servic...
but, in fact, the print date was the early1980s, when i would have been starting primary school and forming anunderstanding of myself outside the family unit and as related to the other kidsand the world around me. and, needless to say, thank god i wasn't using athesaurus back then...
TED-ED动画。 大名鼎鼎的TED演讲我们都知道,那TED-ED动画,它是TED旗下的青年和教育计划团队制作的动画视频。 每个TED-Ed动画都是专家之间的创造性合作产物. 这些专家包括TED演讲者和TED研究员,以及教育工作者、设计师、动画师、编剧、导演、科学作家、历史学家、记者和编辑。 ☉题材涉猎非常非常广,有科学、商业、...
"Well —" Here my friend hemmed and hawed — "Well, actually it's a Catholic hermitage." ”嗯--“我朋友欲言又止,”事实上那是一座天主教堂。“ This was the wrong answer. I had spent 15 years in Anglican schools, so I had had enough hymnals and crosses to last me a lifetime. Se...