据外媒消息,科幻作家特德•姜(Ted Chiang)获得2024年国际笔会/伯纳德与安•马拉默德优秀短篇小说奖(PEN/Bernard and Ann Malamud Award for Excellence in the Short Story.)该奖项颁发给“在短篇小说领域获得非凡成就”的作家。特德•姜(Ted Chiang)出版的两本短篇小说集,《你一生的故事》和《呼吸》之前获得过...
like a burden and a shackle for Louise. But what makes this short story painstakingly beautiful i...
But Mr Chiang's stories remind us that the world need not be as it is. Time did not have to be so that we experience it linearly. Consciousness need not have been possible. What we take for granted is often miraculous. "Exhalation", a short story from 2008, describes a world of ...
Story of Your Life TED CHIANG Your father is about to ask me the question. This is the most important moment in our lives, and I want to pay attention, note every detail. Your dad and I have just come back from an evening out, dinner and a show; it's after midnight. We came ...
组长推荐:Ted Chiang(姜峯楠,美籍华人) 从1990年以来20年间只创作了10来部中短篇,思考深入,想象力惊人,写作严肃,语言洗练,篇篇都堪称精品。其中两篇短文发表于Nature上。目前暂无长篇。相信50年后人们撰写今天世界的科幻大家,他必占一席之地。 作品目录: ...
“It's 2059, and the Rich Kids Are Still Winning” (New York Times 27 May 2019) — short story — 2nd place 2020: Exhalation (Knopf; Picador) — collection — winner 2014: “The Truth of Fact, the Truth of Feeling” (Subterranean Fall 2013) — novelette — 2nd place 2011: The...
StoryofYourLife TEDCHIANG TedChianghasonlypublishedthreeSFstoriespriortothisoneandhisfirst,“TowerofBabylon”(1990), wontheNebulaAward;another(“Understand”)wontheAsimov'sReadersAwardin1991,andhewonthe JohnW.CampbellAwardforBestNewWriterin1992.Heisacarefulandaccomplishedwriter,andhis workisdistinguishedbyor...
Ted Chiang,中文名特德·姜,出生于1967年的纽约 port Jefferson。他的双亲都出生于中国,但是在伟大...
Ted Chiang on Writing 3、他说话就像写作一样深思熟虑,“像珠宝匠人一样打磨每一个字”,经常会停...