【TED英语科普】你能辨别标题党吗?Can you spot the problem with these headlines ? #英语##雅思# http://t.cn/A6QE4lg8
【TED-0522】Can you spot the problem with these headlines? (Level 1) - Jeff Leek & Lucy McGowan(05:00) Puzzle through a set of hypothetical health studies and headlines and see if you can spot what’s misleading about the headline. In medicine, there’s often a disconnect between news ...
In medicine, there's often a disconnect between news headlines and the scientific research they cover. While headlines are designed to catch attention, many studies produce meaningful results when they focus on a narrow, specific question. So how can you
2019-04-11 Can you spot the problem with these headlines (Level 1) - Jeff Leek & 05:01 2019-04-12 How do self-driving cars “see” - Sajan Saini 05:25 2019-04-15 The Chinese myth of the meddling monk - Shunan Teng 04:04 2019-04-16 The Opposites Game 04:41 2019-04-17 How ...
2019-04-11 Can you spot the problem with these headlines (Level 1) - Jeff Leek & 05:01 2019-04-12 How do self-driving cars “see” - Sajan Saini 05:25 2019-04-15 The Chinese myth of the meddling monk - Shunan Teng 04:04 2019-04-16 The Opposites Game 04:41 2019-04-17 How ...
I was trying not to think, I tried to fill up my time by doing all sorts of physical exercise on the spot. I tried to pray, I tried all sorts of memorization games. But darkness also creates images and thoughts that ...
So it's quite simple, but see if you can spot the magic going on. 这很简单,但是要看你能不能看出到底发生了什么。 And this was shot with real participants, they don't know what's going on. 这里拍摄的都是真实的参与者,他们对幕后的一切毫不知情。 扫描二维码进行跟读打分训练 英中...
Able to travel consistently at the incredible speed of one degree longitude around the equator per minute, 这架飞机能够持续以每分钟飞过每一经度的高速沿着赤道飞行, the plane would take six hours to circle the world. 只需要6小时就可以环绕世界一周。 ...
There's only one spot left, and that's for the drinks. Set the wine glass to the upper right, and then place the water glass to the left of it at an angle. If you're like me and can never remember which goes where, think water, wine, w-a, w-i; a, i; they go left to ...
who wait until the last minute are so busy goofing off that they don't have any new ideas. And on the flip side, the people who race in are in such a frenzy of anxiety that they don't have original thoughts either. There's a sweet spot where originals seem to live. Why is this...