TED Talks are influential videos from expert speakers on education, business, science, tech and creativity, with subtitles in 100+ languages. Ideas free to stream and download.
You know, when we watch courtroom dramas, we tend to identify with the kindhearted defense attorney, but give us the power, and we become like hanging judges. 对吧,一般我们看法律剧的时候,总倾向于 那个心地善良的辩...
想象一下如果这是在法庭里面,被告还蒙在鼓里,乞求给予第二次机会,陪审员已经先声夺人,“ 无聊啊!你个变态!” You know, when we watch courtroom dramas, we tend to identify with the kindhearted defense attorney, but give ...
Ideas change everything WATCH DISCOVER ATTEND PARTICIPATE ABOUT SIGN IN MEMBERSHIP Type to search Explore TEDx TED Fellows TED Ed TED Translators TED Institute The Audacious Project TED@Work Podcasts TED Blog More ways to get TED Our community TED Speakers TED Fellows TED Translators TEDx ...
3、知识改变命运,学习使人自由(To learn is to be free) 演讲者:夏敏阿克塔(Shameem Akhta) 学习使人自由! 你是不是也和我一样,想要学习却没有动力,好不容易立下flag却坚持不下去,还用“flag就是用来倒的”来安慰自己? 那这个演讲强烈推荐给你!! 在巴基斯坦,夏敏阿克塔在童年时期假扮男孩,才能享受到巴基斯...
AlIright,thenwellwatchittogether. 一起看感觉很诡异 Yeah,wellthatfeelscreepy. 约翰我们是要看黄hearts;片hearts; John,werewatchingporn. 要么很诡异要么很悲惨 Itseithergoingtobecreepyortragic. 就这两种选择 Thosearethechoices. 好吧那就诡异吧 AlIright,letsgowithcreepy. 我们从哪一个开始 Whichonearewestar...
That said, your watch history, saved talks and favorites will be vulnerable to loss if you change devices or delete the app. We encourage signing in to an account to allow the carryover of saved data between devices or syncing across platforms. As you note, the "infinite scroll" feed ...
and her SUPER Fun Kids’ Wristwatch Countdown Clocks.. so cute This is part of our great New Year’s Eve Countdown for Kids –check out our hourly activity plan that we have put together to make New Year’s Eve extra fun and stress free: Over 12 activity ideas, with a choice of ...
灰色自由风 Greys Free Style 堡垒 Fortress 我很敏捷Im Slippy 例外Exception 灰色的朱丽安娜 Greys Julianna K的批评K's Flak 代表性Representation 黑鼻三叶草 Blacknose Trixie 坠落的斯科拉里 Droopys Scolari 坠落的科威尔 Droopys Kewell 拉克希尔-乔Larkhill Jo 佩里斯推进器Perrys Pusher 英国小钻石 Little Diamon...
Here's everything you need to know on how to download movies to watch offline, for free and legally. ByAndy Betts Aug 20, 2023 9 TED Features You May Not Know About Internet TED isn't just all about TED Talks. Here's everything else that TED offers you probably haven't noticed. ...