像是我们雇用谁或给谁升职,邀请谁出去约会。 For example, Nalini Ambady, a researcher at Tufts University, shows that when people watch 30-second soundless clips of real physician-patient interactions, their judgments of the ...
TED-Ed Psychology Leadership Education AI Sleep Mental health Business Motivation Communication Personal growth Sports Health Language See all Newest Talks 06:30 Why are we sending critical metals to the dump? Jeff More 07:11 Is generosity the most underrated leadership skill?
TED Talks are influential videos from expert speakers on education, business, science, tech and creativity, with subtitles in 100+ languages. Ideas free to stream and download.
shows that when people watch 30-second soundless clips 44 of real physician-patient interactions, 45 their judgments of the physician's niceness 46 predict whether or not that physician will be sued. 47 So it doesn't have to do so much 48 with whether or not that physician was incompetent...
Watch Botsman’s previous TEDTalk: The case for collaborative consumption >> Photos: James Duncan Davidson
所以必须要问:我们将如何使用它?它既有可能带来极大的益处,也可能带来极大的负面影响,比如军事用途、对就业市场的颠覆。确保未来几年我们做出的关于人工智能的集体选择将有益于所有人应该在人工智能塑造我们未来的方式上扮演积极的角色。谢谢。Youtube视频地址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uawLjkSI7Mo ...
We posted all the videos from each of the worldwide events on the TED2013 Conference site. All members of the public had a chance to vote for the ones they thought were best. Voting was closed on August 31, 2012. As a result, 33 successful candidates were given the chance to deliver ...
Could we get the balloon bandwidth high enough so it was a real Internet connection? So that people could have something more than just SMS? The early tests weren't even a megabit per second, but now we can do up to 15 megabits per second. Enough to watch a TED Talk. ...
Click to watch thesession-opening animation The promise of a globalized world is that we can talk to anyone, anywhere in the world. But how do we engage with people we’ve never met in person? Can you talk to strangers? Should you? Session 8 at TEDGlobal 2012 delves into one of the...
英文出处:devbootcamp。欢迎加入翻译组。 【伯乐在线导读】:一年一度的 TED 大会,这是创造力和好奇心的庆典。对全球诸多领袖人物来说,这是一次对知识的麦加朝圣。Nathaniel Whittemore 近日在发布了一篇文章,为有抱负的程序员整理了10个TED大会演讲。伯乐在线编译如下: TED...