Ted 演讲稿 脆弱的力量Brene Brown: The power of vulnerability So, I'll start with this: a couple years ago, an event planner called me because I was going to do a speaking event. And she called, and she said, "I'm really struggling with how to write about you on the little flier....
TED演讲:脆弱的力量演讲稿中文翻译 今天我要讲一份研究,这份研究从本质上拓宽了我个人的认知,也确确实实改变了我的生活、爱、工作还有教育孩子的方式。 我是个社会学的学士、硕士和博士,我被人所包围,大家都认同:“生活是一团乱麻,接受它。”而我的观点倾向于:“生活是一团乱麻,解开它,把它整理好,再归类放入...
Ted演讲稿子脆弱地力量Brene Brown: The power of vulnerability So, I'll start with this:a couple years ago, an event planner called mebecause I was going to do a speaking event.And she called, and she said,"I'm really struggling with howto write about you on the little flier."And I...
Ted 演讲稿 脆弱的力量Brene Brown:The power of vulnerability So, I'll start with this:a couple years ago, an event planner called mebecause I was going to do a speaking event.And she called, and she said,"I'm really struggling with howto write about you on the little flier."And I ...
They didn't talk about vulnerability being comfortable, nor did they really talk about it being excruciating -- as I had heard it earlier in the shame interviewing.他们不认为脆弱是寻求舒适,也不认为脆弱是钻心的疼痛--正如我之前在关于耻辱的采访中听到的。 They just talked about it being necessary...
这个演讲和@Brian 提到的 How great leaders inspire action 都是讲激励机制的问题。但这个演讲里列举了一系列好玩的社会学试验,其结论更能让人信服。 临时想到这么多,以后会不定期补充。 2. ted演讲稿自控力究竟有多重要 网络为我们的生活带来便利,降低了成本与资源的铺张,使信息共享扩大化,但同时也给我们带...