Technology will save sluggish emerging markets 技术将拯救低迷的新兴市场 By Ruchir Sharma Emerging economies struggled to grow through the 2010s and pessimism shrouds them now. People wonder how they will pay debts rung up dur...
For those of us not overwhelmed or deeply hurt by the tragedy of the pandemic, we have – while normal procedure and time is suspended – found ourselves reflecting more intensely on issues of localism, globalism, scale and the infrastructural systems that underpin them. We have been forced to...
Nobody will save you 听这张专辑的时间加起来不会超过一次K歌的时间,不会超过一次跟朋友扯淡的时间,甚至没有跟女朋友一次饭后散步的时间长。 就像楼下湖里的荷花突然一夜之间铺满整个湖面一样,听完这张专辑第一感觉竟是美好而又敏感。 然后想出nobody will save us这样一个蹩脚的句式。其实Technology Won't Save...
“Science, you say, will save us. Science, I say, has destroyed us. Since the days of Galileo, the church has tried to slow the relentless march of science, sometimes with misguided means, but always with benevolent intention. Even so, the temptations are too great for man to resist. ...
Technology has the power to change the world and make dreams that once seemed out of reach possible. As a tech company, we believe that technology is a force for good. We will continue to provide products and services with a human touch, push boundaries and keep innovating, and ultimately,...
During a powerfulstorm, one of the biggest risks is having theroofripped off your house. The powerful winds blowing over your home will exert inward pressure against the far wall that's downwind, push outward against the opposite wall and the side walls, and push the roof upward. If ...
For many of us, a large portion of the day will probably involve staring at a screen. Whether that’s a laptop, a monitor, or your phone, it’s important to keep track of our usage.That’s why we designed Blossom Wallpaper and Insight AOD. On ColorOS 13, the animated wallpaper ...
This technology combines different domotics to check the particular situation of each resident, for example if she/he sitting or lying in bed, and the door is open. These events can be prioritized for the caregivers and will automatically inform the closest caregiver or the one who is available...
South Korean tech group hopes the S25, powered by Google’s Gemini AI models, will help it steal market share from US rival Big Tech OpenAI spars with Elon Musk over $500bn Stargate project Tesla boss in rare break with Donald Trump over AI initiative, saying ‘they don’t actually have...