like any emerging medicine, there is risk early on. When something is unproven in the long-term, you will be putting your mind and body at risk by embracing it so quickly. Even if it’s tested to a point where very major health
I mean kids who for all intents and purposes appear to be there in ZOOM and then suddenly disappear never to return that day. They could have a device or Internet issue. And if this happens every once in a while, it’s understandable. But what about kids who do this all the time?
The use of the term skill is also common in engineering, as solving technical problems encompasses the mastery of metacognitive, procedural, visual and motor skills (Davey et al., 2015; Jonassen & Hung, 2006; Mitcham, 1994). In this study, our use of the term prior knowledge should be ...
This allows the brain to sort and relate new knowledge to prior knowledge. That connection strengthens the learning. If the concepts can “fire” together, they are “wired” together. Connecting to prior knowledge encourages the information to move from short-term memory to long-term memory. Al...
taking into account the guidelines in the worksheets about the application. Figure1shows the concept map used via AR-ConMAP. During the implementation, students’ behaviors while they were creating the concept maps and using AR application were recorded. In the first phase of the application, stud...
At the end of the summer term I chose not to go on the usual school theme park trip. Instead, I was allocated the task of supervising some pupils for the day that were not able to attend the trips either. One of the pupils was quite happy to spend the day trying to learn how to...
The Big Take Away =A Math Instruction Improvement Program needs a long term plan. The case study that was shared is a project in which the non-profit group provided funding and support of the University of Chicago STEM . Video recordings of exemplary teachers teaching a lesson that was reques...
Thus, using the old pedagogy of a teacher standing in front of a class while talking or students doing “worksheets” in combination with a computer isn’t going to bring about that dramatic growth and change and improvement. You need to change your educational model to 1:1, individualized ...
another caveat is that it’s not clear what the long term costs of all of these methods will be. What does it do to a child to spend 12 years stressed out by tests or not measuring up to an arbitrary standard usually created and advocated by someone who can’t pass “the test” the...
ensuring a future STEM professional workforce. The term STEM was coined in 2001 (Chute,2009). Instead of single-subject learning through traditional lecture-based learning, STEM is an active learning approach where multiple disciplines are integrated so students can use knowledge from various subjects...