Manchester, New Hampshire Suggest an edit Add your company (it's free) Browse By Company Name Promote Your Company View featured companies Claim your enhanced profile Visit Business Aviation Technology: Follow Business Aviation Technology: Get Recommended to Business Aviation Technology G...
Whitfield, Mark
Whilst the demand for new and emerging specialist technical skills has exploded in recent years, the need for more traditional technology skills has also continued unabated. Companies have just become so dependent on technology that these core skills have never been more in-demand than they are ...
With its experience in data analytics and engineering, DXC will help Manchester United to harness the power of data across the club to enhance the fan experience. In a first step, DXC and United will deliver a new data platform that will aggregate data across the club and enable new insights...
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For any IT professional who is also a football fan, there can’t be many more appealing jobs than CIO of a Premier League club – we find out what it’s like to be the IT chief at Manchester United 17 Apr 2024 VMware: Broadcom faces EU complaint over unfair licensing By Cliff Saran...
Our technology lawyers serve clients ranging from multi-national corporates and government departments, to fast-growth and scaling technology companies, as well as entrepreneurs. We specialise in navigating the complex terrain where technology, business, and law intersect. Our commercial technology, media...
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in less than three months’ time. After the second, in Manchester, May and others said they would look into finding ways to compel tech companies to put cryptographic “back doors” into their services, so that law enforcement agencies could more easily access suspects’...
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