blending impeccable design with advanced technology. Crafted from high-gradebrushed aluminumand featuring sleek beveled metallic borders, this TV is more than just an electronic device; it's an embodiment of contemporary elegance. The integration of META OLED displays andMicro Lens...
Jmem Tek’s PUF-based security chip, designed with Andes compact and efficient N25F RISC-V processor and Jmem Tek’s comprehensive hardware security module IP, is the world’s first NIST post-quantum cryptographic algorithm chip based on RISC-V. This collaboration brings customers an industrial...
"Personalized technology will be able to augment our everyday experience in a way that is uniquely appropriate just for us, because the augmentation is based on the history we share with our devices." Summary This article has described the current state-of-the-art in context awareness. The ...
The research adopted ATTA as the tool to measure creativity potential, with score based on norm of fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration. The results (as shown in Table 9) of the independent sample t-test for the Torrance creativity cognitive performance ATTA indicated that the overal...
For centuries the practice of medicine was based on clinical judgment and doctors’ intuition, rather than on scientific evidence. At this time, medicine was referred to as an art—“the art of Medicine”—rather than a science. In the 1960s, thanks to the development of modern research, th...
curate consumer-grade learning experiences that can enable technology athletes to build skills in real time, and engage talent by realigning rewards, incentives, and leadership to support and enable idea generation, cocreation, collaboration, accountability, and transparency. iterate, d...
(2) 海水预处理工艺简单, 对海水污染不敏感; (3) 结构简单紧凑, 易于模块化构造, 可设计成舰载、车载等便携式装置[6]; (4) 整个系统构成闭合循环, 蒸汽潜热在系统内循环使用, 能量利用率高, 经济性好; (5) 产品淡水质量高, TDS低于10 mg/L; (6) 海水在换热管束外壁蒸发, 容易引起管壁的腐蚀和水垢...
Electronic blocks that link with one another also connect art and engineering. Growing up in Beirut, Ayah Bdeir was taught that art and engineering occupied separate realms. “In Lebanon, as in most of the world, there is little blurring of the boundaries between the professions: doctor, teache...
1. Waterproof cabinet design, high protection grade IP65. 2. High brightness, not need to make up the whole LED screen. Just need to install the equipment on the right position/place. 3. High quality, reliable quality grarantee. 4....
Planar is an established leader in deploying state-of-the-art visualization technologies for learning institutions all over the world. This year marks the company’s fourth consecutive Campus Technology Award win. ThePlanar® Luminate™ Ultra Seriesfine pitch outdoor LED vi...