Technologie informacyjno-komunikacyjne jako determinanta rozwoju polskich przedsibiorstwdoi:10.22630/TIRR.2023.19.6The aim of the study was to present the current state and the opportunities for the development of information and communication technologies in Polish enterprises against the ba...
Technologie informacyjno‑komunikacyjne w budowaniu przestrzeni edukacyjnejThe paper presents fields and possibilities of information and communication technologies in building educational space. The short genetic outline of applying education informatics in Polish schools as well as changes of application ...
Uses of ICT in the educational process is one of the ways to increase motivation and development of key competences of child. Information and communication technologies contribute to the overall development of children in all areas. The topic of the article is also to ...
ZNACZENIE PORTALI ZAKUPOWYCH TYPU GROUPON W PROCESIE DECYZYJNYM TURYSTY A INNE TECHNOLOGIE INFORMACYJNO-KOMUNIKACYJNEdoi:10.15611/pn.2017.473.44The aim of the research analysis is to show the importance of the group buying websites (e.g. Groupon) among other information and ...