The international diffusion of technology is fundamental to an understanding of the nature of technical progress and why growth differs among advanced industrialised countries. In the present technological gap model, innovation is suppos... 张海洋 - 外资技术扩散与中国经济增长 : 理论、实证与政策,theory...
INVESTMENT IN HUMANS,TECHNOLOGICAL DIFFUSION,AND ECONOMIC GROWTH American Economic Association Investment in Humans, Technological Diffusion, and Economic Growth Author(s): Richard R. Nelson and Edmund S. Phelps Source: The American Economic Review, Vol. 56, No. 1/2 (Mar. 1, 1966), pp. 69-75...
A technological system is defined as a dynamic network of agents interacting in a specific economic/industrial area under a particular institutional infrastructure and involved in the generation, diffusion, and utilization of technology. Technological systems are defined in terms of knowledge/competence ...
DiffusionSocietal embeddingAutomobilesDirectionalitySocio-technical systemsTechnological diffusion can be understood as a broader process of co-construction of technology and its environment. This article conceptualizes this co-construction as a process of societal embedding, in which new technologies find ...
A technological change (TC) can be defined as an increase in the outputs possible with a given level of inputs through the processes of invention, innovation, and diffusion. A technological breakthrough can be defined as an instantaneous jump in the outputs possible with a given level of input...
Some Conclusions on Technical Change and Technological Diffusion as an Introduction to Macroeconomic TransformationThe effects of technical change are not confined within any single industrial sector. The dynamics of each industry influences and is influenced by the patterns of change in the other ...
Based on a North-South Ricardian model of trade with a continuum of goods, in which comparative advantage depends on the RER and leads and lags in innovation and diffusion of technology, two hypotheses are suggested and tested. The first one is that a higher RER allows for a higher ...
The criteria are based on the indicators for the technological importance (quality) of patents; this includes the degree of the technological impact and diffusion into other technological fields (Squicciarini et al., 2013), and the additional adjustment required for reflecting the fast-changing tech...
Zhao S, Hafeez M, Faisal CMN (2022) Does ICT diffusion lead to energy efficiency and environmental sustainability in emerging Asian economies? Environ Sci Pollut Res 29:12198–12207 Article Google Scholar Zhao W, Zhong R, Sohail S, Majeed MT, Ullah S (2021b) Geopolitical risks, energy cons...
Studies relying however on the quadruple helix model of technological innovation and diffusion [111,112,113] suggest that optimal choices reflecting the collective preferences of the various stakeholders in the local community, are indeed possible. 6. Conclusions This study has relied on a bivariate ...