This technology can also be used as a biodegradable carrier [30]. In a biofilm model, the thickness or the density of the biofilm will increase as the system undergoes the continuous operation. Considering the varying amounts of biomass, it is essential to study the dynamics of the system. ...
Basic cloning systems have now been developed for various microbial strains used in industrial processes. Not only bacteria and yeasts, but also many biotechnologically important species of filamentous fungi are now susceptible to rDNA techniques. rDNA technology has already been successfully applied to ...
2.Molecular techniques, 16S rRNA sequencing, DNA-DNA hybridization, genetic fingerprinting technique and metagenomics etc, have become routine methods in microbial ecology, which are used to explore the diversity of uncultured microbial communities and obta.近年来现代分子技术和基因组学逐渐渗透到有关生命...
In order to facilitate the production of BMGs, the first priority issue is to clarify the formation mechanism, which could serve as guidance in synthesizing the desired glassy alloys9. In this respect, a terminology named glass-forming ability (GFA) has long been used in describing the ...
the use o f a k erne l approxim a tion .A sm oothe d kerne l is used in the inte g ra 1 inste a d of the ex ac t D irac de lta func tion.S e c— ond.this inte g ral is appro xim ate d b y a disc re te sum of a fi nite set of interpolation points (th...
Biotechnology-derived products are mainly produced by three techniques genetic engineering, fermentation process, and enzyme technology. Genetic engineering includes recombinant DNA(rDNA), monoclonal antibodies(mAbs), gene therapy, cell therapy, polymerase chain reaction(PCR). This article...
rDNAFe-hydrogenasegenePCRThis paper reviews the application of molecular techniques in heterotrophic hydrogen production studies. Commonly used molecular techniques are introduced briefly first, including cloning-sequencing after polymerase chain reaction (PCR), denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), ...
Centromeric and telomeric probes have been used to examine intraspecific chromosome rearrangements such as the transposition of rDNA. Similarly, these types of probes could be used as genome markers for examining interspecific hybrids and in the study of nuclear organization (i.e. the spatial ...
S. cerevisiae, a yeast, is a good model for studying cancer and is a common organism used in rDNA methodology. For example, it has become well known that women who inherit a gene mutation of the BRCA1 gene have a high risk, perhaps as high as 85 %, of developing breast cancer ...
mainly because of the uncertainties in characterizing members in the communities using traditional 16S rRNA gene-based molecular methods and in identifying the chemical signals involved. In this study, pyrosequencing was used to characterize the bacterial communities in intertidal and subtidal marine biofil...