乐高设立了一个 LEGO Ideas 企划,旨在鼓励粉丝们大方分享自己的创意,并或有机会变现,作成真正的盒组对外发售。近日,粉丝Tamás Borján 推出了一个 Panasonic 旗下唱机品牌 Technics 黑胶唱机型号「SL-1200 MK2」之积木组合,内含2,215 块乐高元件,完美还原了1979 年推出的这款型号。不仅外观神似,还具有模仿真...
松下Technics..松下Technics SL-1200 MK2 MK3 MK4 MK5 MK5G M5G MK6 LTD GLD GR G & GAE 均属于Technics唱机系列次品牌是由Matsushi
Technics SL-1200 MK2 TurntableThe legendary turntable that revolutionized the world of radio and dance club disc jockeys. Originally launched in 1972 ...
从顶部看就是这样,这是由Panasonic制造的漂亮的Technics SL-1200MK2黑胶转盘,设计于60/70年代,并且仍能使用。转盘基于模块化设计,因此拆开和装回非常简单-也就是说,如果您了解螺丝、螺丝刀并且可以逻辑思考,你就可以拆解它。 您需要:十字螺丝刀(2种尺寸)、用于固定螺丝的盒子和一个放置零件的安全地方。 第一:拔...
1) Turn the turntable platter until the selector switch shows through the hole of the platter (See Fig. 1).2) Slide the switch actuator to the voltage indication corresponding to the power of your area.II ASSEMBLY/ADJUSTMENT Assembly:1) Remove packing from tone arm and save for possible re...
Technics SL-1200MK2 Turntable 产品说明书 I OPERATING PRECAUTIONS Place the turntable on a horizontal support free of vibrations. For prevention of acoustical feedback, the speakers must be placed a sufficient distance from the turntable. Save packaging should shipping become necessary!Warning: If not...
SL-1000R除了转盘+外置调速器,还包括一个由厚铝板+BMC制成的底座 (也可以安装旧的SP-10),整部SL-1000R重达40公斤,单是黄铜转盘就重7.9公斤,比SL-1200G的3.6公斤重了不只一倍,可见旗舰型号的真材实料。转盘为三层结构,包括10mm厚的黄铜,铝压铸和高阻尼橡胶,实现了高刚性和减振特性。另外将十二个具有非常大...
毫无疑问,Technics SL-1200 MK2绝对不是最好的唱盘,先不说五花八门的皮带驱动唱盘,就直驱式唱盘结构而言,专业版的EMT 950就可以秒胜。如果考量到价格问题,Stanton的ST.150与STR8.150直驱唱盘,使用超高扭力的工业马达(最大4..5kgf-cm)、极度稳定的唱盘、音准校正功能、反转、+/-50%的音高调整、防跳针直臂设计...
The SL-1200MK3 debuted in 1989, ten years after the introduction of the epoch-making model of the SL-1200 Series, the SL-1200MK2. The MK3’s cabinet was filled with T.N.R.C. (Technics Non Resonance Compound) for even more robust vibration-proofing. The product colour was changed from...
Technics SL-1200MK2T Turntable说明书 I OPERATING PRECAUTIONS Please place the turntable on a horizontal support free of vibrations. For prevention of acoustical feedback, the speakers must be placed a sufficient distance from the turntable. Save packaging should shipping become necessary!Warning: If...