The SC-C70MK2 features Space Tune™ Auto to achieve optimally balanced sound easily with the press of a button. This function measures test tones played through a mic that is built into the SC-C70MK2 to analyse the distance to walls and the effect of reflections. It then automatically opti...
工艺精湛,松下的高端子品牌诚不我欺。 参数信息 品牌 Panasonic/松下 型号 SC-C70MK2 电源方式 交流电 颜色分类 黑色(顺丰包税),银色(顺丰包税) 采购地 日本 图文详情 0 本店推荐 松下Technics EAH-TZ700 耳机 日本直送 or 现货 包税包邮 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#dXV1dXgqsCaKI84iVC9wJgMgziJvO0gmtjoYLhkX...
SC-C70MK2 功能 重低音立体声,遥控,收音机 连接方式 USB,3.5MM音频插口,蓝牙连接 保修期 0个月 供电方式 外接供电 适用场景 居家 套餐类型 官方标配 颜色分类 黑色款,银色款,下单咨询优惠价格 图文详情 0 本店推荐 日本代购 富士通墨水屏智能电子书保护套 QUADERNO A4/A5保护壳 ¥505 {现货} 日本伊贺烧长...
Technics SC-C70MK2 高品质感情音乐体验基本用户手册说明书
Headphones DJ Equipment Premium Class C600 Series SA-C600 CD Network Receiver & SB-C600 Bookshelf Speaker Crystal Clear Sound. Now Wireless. True Wireless Earbuds All-in-one System SC-C70MK2 Stereo Integrated Amplifier SU-R1000 Grand Class Turntable SL-1200G Premium Class Turntable SL-1500C ...
购够网提供☆動作品 Technics テクニクス OTTAVA f STEREO SYSTEM ステレオシステム SC-C70MK2 ブラック オーディオ機器(中古品/現状品/保管品)☆,结束竞拍时间:09月23日 21:49:23。卖家:gzeul21531。发货地址:埼玉県。购够网,提供专业的日本代购平台。
Technics..Technics Ottava f SC-C70 Music System
OTTAVA™ƒ SC-C70 also support this function. *7 Compatible Models are ST-G30/ST-G30L. *8 To use this function, please also update. • SU-G30 firmware: Ver.1.17 or later. • ST-C700D firmware: Ver.1.03 or later. In detail, please refer to the following support page. ...
- OTTAVA f SC-C70MK2 ※Please use "Technics Music App" for Technics SU-R1/SU-G30/ST-C700D/OTTAVA SC-C500/SU-C550/ST-G30/OTTAVA f SC-C70. For information on using this app, compatible models and feature or any trouble about this app, please visit the following support page. ...
(LAPC) circuit optimizes the alignment in time of the drivers’ outputs, the frequency response, and phase. The SC-C70’s DSP also equalizes its output for placement near a wall, in a corner, or freestanding. When Technics’ Music iOS control app is used, a custom EQ setting can b...